Here in the USA, Trumpists are very hostile towards immigrants coming from the Mexican border to the point where they infamously proposed to build a wall. The Biden administration is better in-name only, and has kept the concentration camps at the border.

Why is there so much hatred toward these immigrants? What is the material cause of this?

  • Throwaway
    11 months ago

    Disclaimer that I am not every conservative, cons are not a monolith, I do not speak for all, etc etc.

    For me, its comes down to “we can have a welfare state or open borders, but not both.” and “Immigration is not a right”

    While we have a lot of resources, it is not infinite. We can not handle so many. Our public schools for instandmce, are built for a certain number of students. They can not handle double the capacity.

    Additionally, not all who come here, come with good intentions. Biggest examples are the cartels. Controling the border would mean no more flow of drugs into America, and no more guns into Mexico. If you blame guns, then thats a plus.

    During covid, we couldn’t stem the tide of illegal who might be infected. We were so strignent on lawful immigrants, but illegals got a free pass.

    I can go into the whole illegals depress wages and enable shitty companies, but thats a whole discussion on corruption, evidence, and economics, which I suspect we all heard a few hundred times.

    • duderium [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I agree, I think we should apply these policies retroactively and deport all the white people in the USA back to Europe.