I would be real disappointed if that was true

Also, why are pronouns bad when we do it?

  • Psythik
    11 months ago

    I mean, you are. If it looks like a dog and barks like a dog…

    Actual communists would be trying to get Democrats on their side; they need them if they’re going to stand chance at holding office or gaining seats. What you guys are doing is driving away the people you need the most. Your behavior makes no sense for a communist. I mean for one, you literally never hate on right wingers. That alone tells me everything I need to know about this place.

    The point I’m trying to make is that you’re not fooling anyone, MAGAts.

    Edit: How do I disable inbox replies? I really don’t care to read what any of you idiots have to day. I don’t listen to terrorists. Don’t you guys have a courthouse to protest in front of? Go give your previous “god emperor” your attention instead and leave me alone.