I have all my hardware set up, including a new chair. MineCraft and baulders gate 3, terraria, and some freebies are my only games so far. I have a massive console and physical game collection that I love, so I’m really just looking for things that are definitively better on pc, only on pc, or software that I may not know about yet. Free software and game recommendations are always my favorite.

Really just posting here because I thought you would be the best people to find random recommendations from. Usually I would check reddit posts and all that, but I’m here now.

Thanks in advance!

  • dan1101
    1 year ago

    If you have Amazon Prime you can go to https://gaming.amazon.com/home click on Weekly Game, and claim The Force Unleashed 2 and other games right now, free to keep.

    This is a list of “free to play” games on Steam, you can read reviews and discussions: https://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998&genre=Free to Play

    Some good free games are Planetside 2, Warframe, Brawlhalla, and Lord of the Rings Online if you like MMORPGs.

    If you like driving games and open world, Forza Horizon 5 is on sale for $29.99 on Steam.

    If you like city builders, Cities Skylines is well regarded.

    If you want a sort of “Minecraft in space” where you can build and fly spaceships and visit entire solar systems each with several huge planets, look at Empyrion Galactic Survival.

    When shopping for games I find it useful to search youtube for something like: empyrion gameplay

    Watch some gameplay to see if it looks like your sort of game.

    Go to https://isthereanydeal.com and sign up for alerts for game giveaways, they will email you. You can gradually build a BIG library just by claiming freebies.