Hi, all.

As should be news to no one, polarization and animosity between conservatives and liberals is at one of its all-time highs in America right now. There’s even talk of a second civil war looming. Obviously, there are strong passions and convictions on both sides, and people on both sides have claimed that the other is a grave threat to the integrity of the nation itself. I’m familiar with the views and concerns of my own side: we view Donald Trump’s (and his allies’ and supporters’) statements and actions as being an attack on the democratic process that defines our nation, and are worried that the strategies and tactics he and they are employing will make future elections farcical, paving the way for an authoritarian state (a dictatorship). I am less familiar with why conservatives feel Democrats and liberals are a threat to the nation and its integrity in similar fashion. My best guess is that conservatives buy Trump’s assertions that the 2020 presidential election was rigged, and thus might have similar fears as liberals do, but I also get the sense conservatives have deeper, older concerns than this, and that Trump was/is viewed as a solution to them.

Can you please try to articulate here what those fears are? And, to any liberals reading this, please refrain from answering in conservatives’ stead. I’m interested in their opinions, not your opinions of their opinions.

  • Throwaway
    1 year ago

    Disclaimer: I am a conservative, but I can not speak for every conservative. We are not a monolith. Further more, I’m an internet conservation, so I see a lot of leftist views.

    I’m going to split it down multiple points, but the gist is that leftists are lied to and manipulated. They are not bad people, but politicians and the news are. (On both sides, but that goes without saying.)

    Guns: A lot of people, including me, see guns as the first and the last bastion of freedom, it’s the right that protect the rest. And anyone who tries to disarm the public is not to be trusted. Either they are evil, or they have fallen victim to propaganda. It’s an overused example, but Jews in 1930s Germany were disarmed, and that did not end well. And to the left, Marx himself said “Under no pretext”

    Those who to try to pass gun control are trying to disarm the public one bit at a time. A death by a thousand paper cuts, all under the guise of helping children.

    Jan 6 vs BLM: Both happened at roughly the same time. Jan 6 was a few dozen dudes without guns walking around the capitol building for a few hours, with the only death being a unarmed protestor. The cops could’ve prevented it easily. They didn’t, and it became a huge issue. BLM caused the deaths of a dozen people, and billions of dollars of damage. Why did those people go free? Why wasn’t Chaz regarded as an insurrection? It stinks of propaganda, especially when it was clear to many that Trump was very unpopular among politicians.

    And it’s not like the CIA hasn’t pulled this shit before, just not in our country.

    Immigrants are willing to work for lower wages than Americans, and that is the primary reason for immigration being uncontrolled. It is not for helping people, it’s for helping corporations.

    And it’s not a sustainable solution, it hurts the original country and America. Brain drain is a real problem for a lot of worse-off countries, and things are not going to get better without them keeping some brains.

    Transpeople are mentally ill. Transitioning is working on the wrong thing. We need to focus on the mind, not the body. Also, kids are being misled into thinking it will solve their problems when it will not, and further more they can not consent to it.

    We worry about our kids, and when you see shit like middle aged men in drag suing over not having an audience of children, it sends up all the red flags. The media is helping them too, which does not help them.

    Giving aid to other countries when we can’t even maintain our roads is ridiculous, and honestly kind of insulting.

    There’s a gut feeling that the left wing perspective you see everywhere, both corporate and in government, is not authentic. And right wing voices are being suppressed. Yeah it kinda makes sense that the internet would be left wing, and even Hollywood. But Hollywood used to at least pander to us sometimes. Now it’s deconstruction this, and destruction that, like they just hate everything they used to make. All the big multinational corporations are outwardly leftwing. And now you see pride flags being flown at the White House, where an American flag used to go. Leftism being treated like the official religion, and it feels wrong how quick it took over.