A five-year “adversarial collaboration” of consciousness theorists led to a stagy showdown in front of an audience. It crowned no winners — but it can still claim progress.
Taking oral dmt while engaged in Buddhist practice taught me a lot about how conscious experience is formed. At least experientially.
What’s going on in the nervous system I’m no expert on. But it’s more than brain chemistry. Without the rest of the nervous system, including the second and third minds (the heart and gut are packed with nerves, and “mind” in Buddhism should be translated as heart/mind), we’d just be a brain in a box.
Fun article.
Taking oral dmt while engaged in Buddhist practice taught me a lot about how conscious experience is formed. At least experientially.
What’s going on in the nervous system I’m no expert on. But it’s more than brain chemistry. Without the rest of the nervous system, including the second and third minds (the heart and gut are packed with nerves, and “mind” in Buddhism should be translated as heart/mind), we’d just be a brain in a box.