What are people’s favourite first person single player campaigns, no third person games??

  • Varyag
    1 year ago

    For single player campaigns, what comes to mind immediately are the classic CoD Modern Warfare 1 and 2 campaigns. Maybe 3 as well if you want to finish the story, but it was weaker than the other two. I’ve played the campaign of the new MW 2019 but while it was cool, I don’t feel like it was much to write home about and I barely remember the characters now.

    Other than that, I MUST recommend the STALKER games, Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat are masterpieces of slav jank, and super iconic for a reason. Immerse yourself in the depressive atmosphere of a hostile and dying Zone, where everything is trying to kill you. The many mods and standalone games based on them are also amazing, shoutouts to Anomaly. And the sequel should be coming out soon.

    Other than that… My favorite single player FPS experiences are boomer shootets, of which there are many. The classics Doom and Quake, and their modern versions, are all great. Blood, Dusk, Hexen, Amid Evil, Ultrakill, Prodeus, Boltgun. So many good games.