I’m really stunned after playing this game, it’s hard to believe that it was made by a somewhat indie development studio (Asobo).

The last time I finished something and felt this emotionally exhausted was when I watched Apocalypse Now for the first time. This game really captures the brutality and despair of the middle ages in a way that more fantasy-oriented games do not.

Of course, this game does have some fantasy elements, but for the most part it takes you on a journey with two children who have to make their way through a ruthless and uncaring world, constantly having their childhood ripped away and their faith in adults and humanity shattered.

At the same time, this game is absolutely beautiful. I would put the visuals up against any game, period. You feel like you’re there in medieval France.

I need to go play some happy Mario games after this one.

If you are an adult who handles depressing and dark things okay, and you have even a passing interest in the middle ages, I can’t recommend this game enough (play the first one first though–Plague Tale Innocence). The core gameplay is a stealth game, but whether or not you like that style, the game is worth it and transcends the genre IMO.

  • dan
    1 year ago

    It’s on my list. I loved Innocence, though I thought it started slow it did a great job with atmosphere. Glad to hear Requiem is good too - I look forward to giving it a go.