I recently took crocheting back up after a decade, and this is my first finished shawl ever. Two of my friends are getting married in autumn, and they both like to wear shawls so I decided I’d make one for each of them (and if they don’t like it, I’m sure their cats will appreciate their new basket liner).

The one at the top is just finished, and is a free pattern Klaziena shawl with Scheepjes brambleberry whirl. The end corners are a bit turned inside, but well, first shawl ever, could’ve been worse.

This is the second one, Ceylon Tea shawl pattern with Peppermint Patty scheepjes whirl. Still got quite a ways to go, but I’m really loving the pattern!

Pattern Klaziena shawl

Pattern Ceylon Tea shawl

  • thegiddystitcher
    1 year ago

    I’ve sworn off shawls for my own good, but have to admit that second one especially is making me second guess my decision!

    Absolutely beautiful work, and you’ve picked all my fave colours too 😄