Howdy y’ll. As someone who benefitted from and appreciated the exMormon subreddit, I wanted to provide a place for those coming here.

With that, fuck the church. And fuck RMN.

  • Ken Oh
    1 year ago

    Ex-mo, returned missionary here. I’ve excepted that I’ll never quite be right as a result of my upbringing, however I live on the East Coast US so I really don’t have to deal with it! I look forward to not recognizing the current prophet from earlier rosters.

    Missionaries still come to my door every few years even though I’ve told them not to. The last pair that came did it during a rainstorm so my wife let them in just in the door. She thought I was mean for not inviting them in further, since they “seemed nice”. Afterwards, I told my wife next time she thinks these people are nice, think about them in the voting booth when it comes to access to women’s reproductive healthcare, or gay/trans rights.

    I know I could probably stop the visits if I got my membership removed, but I won’t do that until my mom dies, because I don’t want to deal with any of that.

    Upvoting and joining the community for visibility ;)

    • darkmuggletOPM
      1 year ago

      I stopped going when Monson was in charge, so I haven’t experienced what RMN has done, thankfully. I just have noticed the hard right turn in my family. It took me about 5 or 6 years to lose touch with who the current leadership is.

      I also have accepted that the Mormon upbringing does impact a lot about me. I had to work really hard to move away from the binary us versus them, right and wrong, black and white thinking. But the hardest part was coming to accept and embrace the idea that I could, and most likely, be wrong about a lot of things. That has been liberating.