• Queen HawlSera
    1 year ago

    I mean, it’s been proven that humans have a psychological need for religion, but…

    Wokeness? A religion?

    Eh at worst you have companies overcompensating to avoid seeming racist or sexist… and you have tankies taking it too far and claiming everything is imperialist bullshit, but that’s hardly a new phenomenon… Hippies of yesteryear did similar.

    But again, worst case scenarios.

    There’s nothing wrong with saying “Maybe you shouldn’t speak here, or, anywhere really?” if a guy is literally going to Colleges to give seminars on how “Hitler did nothing wrong, and maybe transpeople, and not the constantly crashing economy and the blatant failure of trickle down… are to blame for all of your problems.”

    I remember when being “Woke” had positive connotations, but the Right Wing ruins everything.

      • Queen HawlSera
        1 year ago

        Not really now the connotation is more connected to the kind of out of touch corporation that thinks progress is just calling yourself “they/them” and trying to appeal to minorities and lgbt persons in ways more offense than just using slurs. (Remember Q Force?)

        Or the kind of weekend warrior who thinks cancelling people over Twitter because every other word is a dog whistle. When if they really wanted to be part of the solution and not the problem they’d have abandoned twitter in favor of Mastodon by now.

        Btw Hexbear is FULL of the latter… had a gang cherry picking my posts to claim I was a pedo and a Nazi by warping a few out of context and connecting unrelated posts… so unpleasant

        Basically if you’re woke now it means you’re an out of touch white guy getting offended on behalf of minorities who weren’t even slightly offended to begin with.

        It used to mean that you were aware that society’s problems are caused by the blatant greed of the rich, not the perceived laziness of the poor.

        These things happen. They call it the euphemism treadmill, sometimes the meanings of words shift and what was a compliment becomes an insult and vice versa

        Kind of like how “Person of Color” and “Queer” used to be slurs, the R word used to be a medical term, and the three letter F word used to be a schoolyard insult instead of “The N Word for gays”

    • WldFyre
      1 year ago

      If humans have a need for religion then how do atheists exist?

      Do you have a link for that? Not sure I believe that

      • Queen HawlSera
        1 year ago

        It’s good to be skeptical, afterall, a sourceless claim isn’t worth much.


        It’s why you see a shrinking number of people going to church, yet seemingly paradoxical more cases of atheists going to church “For the sense of community”

        Evolutionary speaking, If there really isn’t a god, that’s terrible news for human race. In fact the only thing keeping me believing that there might be is being fully Lucid of the horror of a Godless universe.

        I can find no optimism in that

        • Honytawk@lemmy.zip
          1 year ago

          Why would there not being a god be a bad thing?

          It makes me proud that humanity clawed our way through stages of evolution and was capable of getting where we are now without the need of some overseeing being controlling us like puppets.

          If you see someone do good, it means they themselves did that. They chose to help, and not because some authority told them to, but because they are good inside.

          Of course, if the fear of being punished is the only thing keeping you from doing harm, then please stay a believer. But the big majority of people do not need that to stay a decent human being.

          • Queen HawlSera
            1 year ago

            I believe I already told you that I am agnostic, I do not claim to know for certain if God does or does not exist. However I doubt that he does. And I consider a universe without God to be terrifying more so than being punished by God for failure to act in a certain way. The problem with they’re not being a god, is that mean this world is all we get, it is our one chance to do anything, and nothing we do will ever be remembered not even by us. Because in a world without the Supernatural death does not mean that it just goes black, it doesn’t go anything. You just stop existing.