Lol what “lib space?” I’m an anarchist. My disdain for the part liberals play in the push to fascism (not to mention every other problematic aspect of capitalism etc.) matches if not exceeds yours. But I don’t just subscribe to anything an anarchist says because they’re flying my colors. The world is more complicated than you wish to imagine it (you share this affliction with most liberals, funny enough.)
This is my problem with most e-communists. Besides the whole state support thing—and the genocide-apologism…and the state propaganda problem…well, one of my problems with e-communists is the exact same team sport mentality plaguing every part of the liberal-far right spectrum. You guys think communism is a brand rather than a a belief, so you get a lot of people doing and saying crazy shit, twisting themselves into pretzels to defend anyone else whose ever claimed communism as their belief system.
Lol what “lib space?” I’m an anarchist. My disdain for the part liberals play in the push to fascism (not to mention every other problematic aspect of capitalism etc.) matches if not exceeds yours. But I don’t just subscribe to anything an anarchist says because they’re flying my colors. The world is more complicated than you wish to imagine it (you share this affliction with most liberals, funny enough.)
This is my problem with most e-communists. Besides the whole state support thing—and the genocide-apologism…and the state propaganda problem…well, one of my problems with e-communists is the exact same team sport mentality plaguing every part of the liberal-far right spectrum. You guys think communism is a brand rather than a a belief, so you get a lot of people doing and saying crazy shit, twisting themselves into pretzels to defend anyone else whose ever claimed communism as their belief system.