Image description: a two panel meme with a bearded man speaking.

Panel 1: “You wanna know what I do when I see people stealing food or baby formula?”

Panel 2: “Fucking nothing because I’m not a fucking asshole.”

  • Calavera
    8 months ago

    The only difference is that I don’t see the “wheelchair industry” targeting people who can literally walk on their own.

    There is a huge difference here and more and more this industry is making people replace breastfeeding to buy their formula instead.

    And it’s not me saying this, is the WHO itself

    More than half of parents and pregnant women exposed to aggressive formula milk marketing

    Don’t you think that many of those people think they need the formula because they were brainwashed by capitalist propaganda?

    • El Barto
      28 months ago

      Still missing the point.

      I understand what you’re saying, but it doesn’t represent all the reasons for which a baby may need formula.

      Stop insisting in that red herring argument.

      • Calavera
        38 months ago

        I’m not missing the point, I don’t know how is it where you live, but in many places there are human milk banks for people with real problem on breastfeeding