• TransplantedSconie
    9 months ago
    Lasky: That's not a real gun, is it Clark?
    Clark: Are you kidding? This is a Magnum P.I.
    Lasky: It's a BB gun!
    Clark: Don't tempt me. I could put an eye out with this thing.
    Lasky: You couldn't even break the skin with that thing.
    Clark: Yeah I could. It could lodge in the skin and cause a very bad infection.
    Lasky: That's an old wive's tale Clark. I'm telling you. [Gets out of the rollercoaster car; Clark fires the pistol; Lasky groans in pain and sits back in the seat]
    Clark: See I told you. I warned you.
    Lasky: You wrecked these pants and you're paying for them!
    Clark: Yeah I will pay for them. [The rollercoaster ride begins]