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Converting Red’s White Box to Fantastic Medieval Campaigns (FMC) Sandbox and Dungeon Set up for FMC You will need an Outdoor Map – Good Place to get one

Also Note - Greg Gillespie’s Megadungeons are set to the Outdoor Survival Map.

For Outdoor See FMC Page 134

Part One – Char Creation

This is a game of Adventure, Hacking, Slashing, and Casting Spells in a Dungeon that is actively trying to kill you. It is alive and does not like you. Get rich and Retire in Wealth if you survive that is. Recommended for Levels 1-14.

I suggest using 4d4+2 instead of 3d6 down the line - feel free to experiment.

Additional Encumbrance Weights and Cost Rope - 70 10’ Pole 100 1 torch 30 mallet & stakes (3) 80 Lantern 70 Iron Spikes (12) 100 bunch of garlic 30 wolfsbane 50 belladonna 20 small mirror 40 standard ration 130 iron rations 110 Leather Boots cost 12 weight 90 Leather Shoes cost 5 weight 70 Bag of 100 marbles cost 1 weight 130 Pouch of Pipe Weed cost 4 weight 70 *10 good smokes Halfling Smoking Pipe with Cleaning Tools Cost 22 weight 60 *Never proven in a court of law that these tools are thieves tools - Never Ever! Crowbar cost 3 weight 140 Cloak cost 8 weight 90 Lock Picks with Leather Case cost 18 weight 30 *must be purchase from another thief or guild Small Metal File cost 2 weight 20 Drafting Set with Brass Compass, Protractor, Triangle, and Ruler – Comes in Leather Case Cost 10 weight 90 2 Drafting Pencils cost 1 weight 10 Ink Quill Pen and Brass Ink Pot cost 3 weight 30 Artist Sketch Pad with 20 pages cost 4 weight 40 Leather Bound Accountants Ledger cost 7 weight 50 Graph Paper Notepad with 75pages cost 3 weight 30 Leather Bound Journal with Locking Clasp & Key 60 pages cost 15 weight 50 Tin Finger Paint Palette with assorted colored paint cost 4 weight 40 Small Fine Artist Paint Brush cost 2 weight 10 Box of Colored Chalk cost 1 weight 30 Pail of Paint (usually red other colors cost extra) cost 3 weight 200 Large Paintbrush cost 2 weight 100 Large Wooden Bucket cost 1 weight 250 Box of Carpenter Nails cost 1 weight 110 Box of Roofing Tacks / Nails cost 1 weight 110 Carpenters Hammer cost 5 weight 130 Glass Jar of Wood Working All Purpose Glue cost 2 weight 90 Other Misc Equipment weight 80

SUNDRY refers to any item in the inventory. HERBS is a generic term for any of three: Wolfsbane, Belladonna or Garlic. Best to have a variety of gear to exhaust.

I’m nice and I don’t count read magic as a spell – just the character must have the ability to cast 1 first level spell or prayer to read magic.

Mages and Elves may learn new spells from scrolls. This counts as using the scroll. Must have ability to cast the level of the spell to add to spell book. **Takes one whole night to add the spell to the spell book. ***Must be done at night under the light of the moon and stars. ***The special ink requires moon & starlight to work. Most Mages do this at the top of their towers to insure the purest moon & starlight. Elves climb to the top of their trees of course.

Elves may have Dagger, Sword, or Mace in one hand & shield the other to cast spells. Elves do not require hand gestures to cast spells. ******Elves may not cast spells in armor heavier than Elven Chain. ***Elves may wear Elven Chain, Leather, and hold a shield to cast spells.

***Cleric must have the holy symbol in hand to turn the undead. Words must be spoken and the holy symbol brandished about as if casting a spell.

****All Natural Healing and Recovery of Spells / Prayers must be done topside. Is not possible down inside the dungeon.

Halflings can Hide, Move Silently, Detect Trap, and Remove Trap on a 1-2 roll d6 – also gain +1 with sling, +2 to AC in combat against Human Size Opponents, against Giant Size Opponents gain +3 to AC. Halfling Movement Pg 62 as Pixie on Ground Movement equals 9 -Armor Restriction to Leather. Max Encumbrance 1200 Coins. ***Halfling may move full movement and fire Sling.

  • fredzBXGameOP
    1 year ago

    Elves can spot Secret Doors with a Search Roll (1-2) - also gain +1 with bow – Elf Base Movement equals 15 please update Movement on Pg 62. ***Elf may move full movement and fire bow – Max Encumberence 1200 Coin.

    Dwarves get Detect Trap or Remove Trap on a 1-2 roll d6. In addition they note slanting passages, shifting walls, and new construction in underground settings on 1-3 d6. – Dwarves gain +1 to AC against Human Size Opponents, and +2 to AC against Giant Size Opponents. - Dwarf Movement Pg 62. Max Encumbrance is 5000 Coins.

    Encumbrance is enforced for trips home. Can your character carry all those sacks of gold?

    PARTY JOBS & Duties of a Delver Party

    1. Satrap aka the Party Leader (leads and has final say) You are the one who speaks with the Guild Leaders, Nobility, and Patron’s – typically in HQ or Vanguard

    2. Store Master aka Pay Master / Accountant (handles all money and party expenses) Typically found in Secondary Ranks.

    3. Sergeant at Arms (lays down the law and ends all disputes) may be found in vanguard, rear guard, or Secondary Ranks.

    4. Dead Man (did I put on a red shirt today?) You get all the dirty & fun jobs. Most likely to stick a dagger in a man’s back as well as take one. **** on a 3,4,5, or 6 d6 all traps and random damage comes to the Dead Man ****The dead man is the hardest working and thus collects the lion share of experience. Found in Vanguard or Rear Guard – ie cleaning up a mess.

    5. Grumbler – basically the union rep for the NPC’s – Your job is to look out for the working conditions and pay. But what about the NPC’s should be your tagline. - Typically found in Secondary Ranks with the majority of the NPC’s.

    6. Master Cook – in charge of all food and food prep. Everybody has to eat. Gets to hand out dishwashing duties. ***Note you are also to blame for poisoning and food shortages.

    7. Outcast – reserved and not used until a Party Member has been removed from another duty. The party had to have an election to pick a new Satrap. The former Satrap is now the Outcast. Rumors of an Outcast spread fast and wide. ***Has no vote or voice for D4 Adventures. Lower than scum. Outcast may be redeemed with heroics and great deeds. *** After a great deed or heroic act roll D6 on 1 or 2 Outcast Title is removed. Party Satrap may assign a new position in the party. - Location usually rear guard or secondary ranks – always trying to get to the Vanguard where the heroic acts most occur.

    Note: If not enough players then the job titles can be doubled up – Example a Dwarf is named Sergeant at Arms and Master Cook.

    Part 2 Dungeon Quest Guide

    Patron or job board gives a quest, then Ref rolls for complexity. Players will know the major enemy of Main quest only. Players will be told the Bounty for success, expressed as a REWARD. Add embellishments as desired. e.g. Rescue the captive, return the idol. Movement to and from the site causes OBSTACLES. No Wandering Monsters YET!  However, if the group ever “sleeps” at Wagon (Surface) to recharge spells or heal a D6, then roll the SECONDARY event. Ref may decide that any present Ancient or Forgotten also attacks but only for characters above level four. Rarely, the Main Threat will attack, and then only if the players met it and fled. Any generated REWARD during encounter up-top is cut in half as Depth (0.5) and might activate the Asterisk to further diminish all the loot to follow. Is it worth it to rest? Final Restriction, anytime the Wagon is looted, the option to “sleep” is forever lost this adventure. That happens sometimes under OBSTACLES.

    Quest Villain (D8+Depth>1) 1 Human, bounty = Coin Reward x3 2-5 Orcling, bounty = REWARD 6 Undead, bounty = Boon REWARD x2 7+ Beast, bounty = REWARD

    Note: REWARD should be stated up-front as much as possible; any Potion, Scroll or BOON may be had in advance w/ Haggle Roll (Reaction). No bounty results in xps; only raw treasure or gems from dungeon interiors produce that. But, gold is fun to spend.

    Dungeon Details After the Quest is generated, the Ref will scatter one to six tiles to mark the locations of the dangers and possible rewards. All further detail is created upon discovery or need. As the map is revealed on game board, there may be extra untagged features that suggest fresh OBSTACLES, TRAPS and Secret Passages. Wandering Mobs should not be added besides the six possible generated by Main, Alternate, Opportunity, Secondary, Ancient (Forgotten) and Terrible Secret (Bad). Secret Passages can be discovered by elves (1-2). Dwarves & Halflings may find Traps or Pick Locks (1-2). Use Magic Mitigation on each. Only roll once per character. ***Any Character may attempt anything on a 1 in 6 chance.

    Penalty for Death of Hirelings on a Mission. Character that suffers loss of hireling may not replace hireling until next level is made or 2 adventures have passed.

    Dungeon Depth This is mostly seen by map section or mutual agreement of the party (leader). Most places are built in three dungeon levels. The group may artificially state the first level is actually a different integer to increase peril. The surface is treated as Depth one for tables.

    Quest (D20) 1 Main (only) 2 Main & Alternate 3 Main & Opportunity 4 Main & Secondary 5 Main & Ancient (Forgotten) 6 Main & Terrible Secret (Bad) 7 Main, Alternate & Secondary 8 Main, Opportunity & Secondary 9 Main, Opportunity & Terrible Secret 10 Main, Alternate & Ancient 11 Main, Secondary & Ancient 12 Main, Secondary & Terrible Secret 13 Main, Ancient & Terrible Secret 14 Main, Alternate & Terrible Secret, Flair Main has diminished Mobs (1/2) 15 Main, Alternate & Terrible Secret, Flair Alternate has diminished Mobs (1/2) 16 Main, Opportunity, Secondary, Ancient & Terrible (Wicked, Wicked) 17 reroll w/ added Secondary to also contain Terrible (if present); this could result in two secondary Quests to finish Main for bounty. 18 reroll w/ added Ancients able to quell any Terrible (to stalemate) if found in the order of Terrible (run) and Ancient (discover after). Ref decides. 19 reroll w/ added Ancients which release a Terrible Secret if destroyed. The Terrible Secret will not be found beforehand. It automatically appears as any treasure of the Ancients is disturbed. 20 reroll w/ Terrible Secret replacing the Main Quest. The bounty of surface is only obtained if an Alternate Quest exists.

    Patron will be angry at failure, even if quest was doomed from start. Fight one superhero (8th level FTR) at mission end to survive and gain REWARD. No restoration is possible; you are met upon exit and failure. Save your strength for final action (if suspected or known).

    Key: *Main Quest has a bounty paid by Patron, usually Innkeeper or noble. *Alternate will fulfill the bounty (as well). Doing either makes other disappear. *Opportunity is extra threat w/ reward; these may also have bounty to collect later. If Terrible Secret exists, it activates to avenge any loss here. *Secondary is an unknown part of Main but not any Alternate Quest. The two can be done in either order, e.g. Main then Secondary or vice versa, but both must be completed victoriously for surface bounty to be received. Alternate Quest, if available, is desired outcome for ease. *Ancient or Forgotten Quest is discovered by entering the Dungeon. It will not even be known by mobs of Main quest. *Terrible Secret could be discovered, as well, by party. The secret is often known and shunned by Main quest mobs. They may be able to reveal a clue or will make a threat. If close proximity, they could even summon the Terrible Secret. BEWARE!

    • fredzBXGameOP
      1 year ago

      Main (D10) 1 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2, no  REWARD cache (surface bounty only) 2 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x3, no REWARD cache (surface bounty only) 3 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2, +REWARD cache 4 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2, +Magic Mitigation or add Beast +REWARD cache 5 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x3, +REWARD cache 6 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x3, +Magic Mitigation or add Beast +REWARD cache 7 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x4, +REWARD cache (x2) 8 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x4, +Magic Mitigation or add Beast +REWARD cache 9 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x4, +Magic Mitigation or add Beast +REWARD cache 10 reroll w/ 1/2 again extra Mobs as a reinforcements D4 rounds into fight.

      Note: Total the levels of the party, e.g. seven level threes is 21, then select one or more Mobs of equal HD (round up). For the main quest the Mobs should be a multitude, rather than one huge. Extra Pet Beast only attacks the party; HD = Party Level. Regardless, Ref decides. If known ahead of time, any Magic Swords in orkling or human treasure should be held by the Boss of Main Quest. All other objects, like armor, are in a Trapped Chest. Pick Locks to open. Smash open and 50-50 (1-3 d6) lose any potions.

      Alternate (D6) 1 half Mobs MAIN, half REWARD 2 half Mobs MAIN, same REWARD 3 half Mobs MAIN, REWARD (x2) 4 as MAIN, same REWARD 5 as MAIN, REWARD (x2) 6 double MAIN Mobs, same REWARD

      Note: the Alternate is not changed by Secondary or other Terrible events. When possible generate the REWARD of Main in advance and modify as needed. It’s an either or. Of course, double zero is zero.

      Special Note: Starting on Level 3 of the Dungeon - All Tests and Rolls Increase In Difficulty +1. ie Level 4 = +2 to all difficulties. Level 1 & 2 are for Rookies and Old Semi Retired Adventurers.

      Opportunity (D6) 1 Mobs of Party levels x Depth + Obstacle (xDepth) + Magic Mitigation (for prize) 2 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2, split between two locations; kill both for Prize 3 Mobs of Party levels x Depth + Trap on prize 4 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2 + Obstacle (xDepth) + Trap on prize 5 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x3 + Trap (xDepth) on prize 6 Mobs = Party level x Depth x5, prize littered on floor

      Note: All have REWARD. Mobs of Opportunity typically match the Main monster type. This is visitors or a returning raid, a family gathering, religious ritual, mating season or other groups to ambush (them or by players). Avoid if desired, return later if able, depending on stealth or flight to escape.

      Secondary (D12) 1 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2, no extra prize 2 Obstacle (xDepth) and Magic Mitigation (no prize) 3 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2 + Trap on REWARD 4 Obstacle (xDepth) 5 Obstacle (Depthx3) + Magic Mitigation (no prize) 6 Obstacle (Depth) + Magic Mitigation (xDepth) for REWARD 7 Magic Mitigation (Depthx2) for REWARD 8 Obstacle (Depthx3) + Trap (xDepth) on REWARD 9 Mobs of Party levels x Depth x2 + Magic Mitigation (xDepth) for REWARD 10 Obstacle (xDepth) + Mobs = Party levels x Depth x2 + Trap on REWARD 11 Obstacle (xDepth) + Mobs = Party levels x Depth x3 + Trap (xDepth) on REWARD 12 reroll twice and combine results in series

      Note: This is an unknown part of the mission, completed w/ Main for success. If Main or Alternate is completed prior, the Secondary then becomes apparent.

      Ancient (D10) 1 As Secondary and always w/ Mobs xlevels xDepth 2 result one + initial Obstacle per Depth entering area 3 result one + initial Magic Mitigation per Depth entering area 4 As Secondary and always w/ Mobs x levels xDepth x2 5 result four + initial Obstacle per Depth entering area 6 result four + initial Magic Mitigation per Depth entering area 7 As Secondary and always w/ Mobs x levels xDepth x3 8 result seven + initial Obstacle per Depth entering area 9 result seven + initial Magic Mitigation per Depth entering area 10 reroll + Magic Mitigation or another set of Mobs arrive in D4 rounds

      Note: These horrors are typically Undead. Giving the cleric something to turn, perhaps?. The monsters could have increased HPs or lowered THACO. Use a D4 and treat as either increments of +10% HPs or lower THACO by one, mix and match as Ref to create a dangerous challenge.

      Terrible Secret (D6) 1 Party vs Beasts = levels x Depth x2, no prize 2 Party vs Tribe = levels x Depth x2, no prize 3 Party vs Beasts = levels x Depth x3 + REWARD 4 Party vs Tribe = levels x Depth x3 + REWARD 5 Party vs Beasts = levels x Depth x5 + REWARD (x3) 6 Party vs Tribe = levels x Depth x5 + REWARD (x3)

      Note: Beast would be one or pair of major matching Mobs. Tribe is a big bad boss and gaggle of lesser minions, usually orclings or undead. Either collection of Mobs will be enhanced. Improve the HPs by D4 x10% and lower the THACO also by a D4. If anyone complains, say these are not regular Skels, say, but Terrible Arcane ones. Pull out a Fiend Foilo if need be; but don’t crack the spine and decrease the collector’s value. Flee w/ a volunteer (to die w/o body recovery) or Every Man for Himself by each Save vs Paralyzation or Breath (Ref decides w/ deep Depth forcing both); survivors assemble back at surface. You can also stay and fight, but that might make fleeing all the more dangerous or costly. Delvers would have a designated Dead Man, right? Low level character or rotating (either by victim’s choice). This Dead Man must be an entire set of one player’s Henchmen / Hirelings.

      ***Note: Undead as Main Quest are foul w/ double HPs and THACO-3 and ~33% each chance Flair of Paralysis, Regenerates (D6), Curse, Magic or Protection(S123).

      • fredzBXGameOP
        1 year ago

        ****Note: Orclings have royalty w/ double HPs and THACO-5, but only in Main Quest Objective.

        Part 3 Obstacles / Saves / & Traps

        Obstacles (D12+Depth>1) 1 Water Skin +Home Loss~5% +Time 2 Rope +Hireling~15% 3 Torch & reroll +Wagon Loss~10% 4 Stake or Spike 5 Rations & reroll +Time (Depth<3) 6 Pole +Hireling~5% 7 Sack +Wagon Loss~5% +Home Loss~5% 8 Oil +Hireling~10% 9 Water & Torch & reroll +Wagon Loss~10% (Depth>3) 10 Rope & Spikes (D6) 11 Torch & Rations & reroll +Wagon Loss~10% 12 Pole, Sack & Torch 13 Oil (D6) 14 Torches (D4) & Rations (D4) 15+ SUNDRY (D8) +Wagon Loss~25% +Home Loss~10% +Hireling~15% +Time

        Note: Gear expended is per person, exempting hirelings, retainers and home guards. Still, gear can be collectively shared. Wagon Loss is one roll for the Satrap or owner of the wagon; Home Loss is each player. Any item lacking results in cobbled together replacement of D4 SUNDRY+Wagon10%+henchmen25%. Failing that treat like Trap. Loss to Wagon and Loss at Home are percent chance the surface stash or your nest egg is pillaged. At least you don’t lose the xps. Home Security acts like a saving throw after the fact. e.g. Trunk at 15% gives 15% chance to ignore the event if generated. Wagon is rolled collectively by leader or wagon owner; home is rolled for each player in the game.

        You can always drag all your stuff around. This can be all or nothing. Before any roll, the player may instead state he will pay the fine, bribe, protection money, godly offering of the same percent of his wealth. He then only loses a portion and no items. If he does not surrender the gold, he rolls and could risk the plunder or confiscation of all. Ref may allow recovery of certain high-valued items, tales be told, in a follow-on player instigated mission. +Time means the party has rested, enough for magic spell recovery. This does not mean the party may at any time declare a rest by expending supplies, except on the surface w/ wandering perils. (See Seer’s Catalog)

        Traps (D8+Depth>1) 1 Save vs Poison 2 Save vs Paralyzation 3 Save vs Poison & Paralyzation 4 Save vs Stone (Curse) 5 Save vs Poison & Stone 6 Save vs Paralyzation & Stone 7 Save vs Breath (Elemental) 8 Save vs Poison & Breath 9 Save vs Paralyzation & Breath 10 Save vs Stone & Breath 11 Save vs Spell (Worst) 12 Save vs Poison & Spell 13 Save vs Paralyzation & Spell 14 Save vs Stone & Spell 15+ Save vs Breath & Spell

        Note: Any action to mitigate while in combat counts as player’s action that round.

        Save vs Poison (D8) 1 Water Skin 2 Obstacles 3 Oil & reroll 4 Obstacles (x2) 5 Wine & reroll 6 Obstacles (x3) 7 HERB & reroll 8 Torch, Ration & reroll

        Note: Gear expenditure could be individual or group, depending upon the scope of toxin. Fail mitigate or save takes D6 dam per level dungeon depth. There is also Neutralize Poison for a Cleric of high enough ability.

        Save vs Paralyzation (D8) 1 Water (D4) 2 Obstacles (x3) 3 Oil (D4) 4 Torch, Ration & reroll 5 Wine (D4) 6 HERB 7 Any Weapon or Armor 8 SUNDRY (D8)

        Note: Typically the gear loss is for the one potentially stricken. Fail Mitigation or Save will lose the lowest level of the party for the rest of battle w/ disease. Recovery is not a gimme. The infected player will roll next on Save vs Poison to see if they can be truly roused or suffers some damage from the event. Again, only after the Party wins the day in that combat or set of events. There is also Cure Disease for a Cleric of high enough ability.

        Save vs Stone Curses (D8) 1 Holy Water or Mirror 2 Torch, Ration & reroll 3 Holy Water & HERB 4 Any Weapon or Armor 5 Holy Water (D4) & Any Cross 6 Holy Water, Oil (D4) & HERB (D4) 7 Holy Water (D4) & Silver Cross 8 SUNDRY (D4) & reroll

        Note: Mitigation is an alternative to performing a saving throw. Do you trust house odds?

        Note: Typically the gear loss is for the one potentially stricken. Failure to mitigate or save will cost character lives. Treat as a failed saving throw.

        Save vs Breath (D8) 1 Any weapon or armor 2 Torch, Water, Rations & reroll 3 per Obstacles 4 per Obstacles (x2) 5 per Obstacles (x3) 6 per Obstacles (D8) 7 HERB & reroll 8 Mule, Cart ~25% surface loss & reroll

        Note: Each member of the group will need to make a sacrifice; the loss may vary. Fail mitigate or save means everyone takes D6 dam per level dungeon depth; hirelings beware.

        Save vs Spell (D12) 1 Any Mirror 2 Any Cross 3 Holy Water or Silver Mirror 4 Holy Water (D6) 5 Wolvesbane 6 Belladona 7 Garlic 8 HERB (X3) 9 Holy Water & reroll 10 HERB & reroll 11 sacrifice any Magic Item 12 Torch, Water, Rations & reroll

        Note: Typically the gear loss is for the one potentially stricken; however, many spells are area in effect. Fail mitigate or save kills lowest level of party or established volunteer. There is also Dispel Magic for a mage of high enough ability.

        SUNDRY refers to any item in the inventory. HERBS is a generic term for any of three: Wolfsbane, Belladonna or Garlic. Best to have a variety of gear to exhaust.

        Hireling Mishaps (D8+Depth>1) 1 Hireling slain, redistribute his gear. 2 Hireling deserts w/ his gear; later find him dead, half eaten and bare naked. 3 Hireling picks a fight w/ another party Hireling. Kill both or one player must call off his NPC. That man will add three to his next roll on this table. 4 Hireling insane, destroys D4 Sundry he carries before killing self. 5 Hireling charmed, destroys D4 Sundry he carries before sobering; forgive the lad and his next roll on this table is +3. 6 Hireling asks to fight. In the next battle, if the employer takes any wound, their hireling dies instead. 7 Hireling has been working for a rival group this whole time and leads the party into a trap. Roll for Surprise / Ambush.

        • fredzBXGameOP
          1 year ago

          Note: The death of an NPC / Hireling resulting from punishment for a crime / sin / disobeying orders does not count as loss of life penalty.

          Note: This table is optional and should be used when the party is well advanced and has packs of followers. Before then, a failed Hireling roll percent in any obstacle is kill one and continue play.

          Triggered Traps Deadman attempts to Remove Trap to save the day. Otherwise, all these are global and require every party member to avoid w/ display of Stat. Use to add small attrition style damage in otherwise empty rooms which have no Goal purpose.

          Golly-Gee (D10+Depth>1) 1-3 Scything Blades, damage D4, avoid D20 under DEX 4-5 Floor Collapse, damage D4, avoid D20 under CON 6-7 Poison Tiles, damage D4, avoid D20 under WIS 8 Enchantments, test a magic item (choice) for inert or waning charges 9 roll twice and add result 10+ reroll on Bad News

          Note: All area dangers +Hireling~5%. If the triggered trap relates to a room feature, stature or throne, then roll three times and take the worst, but also receive 500 gp x party number fixed, not levels, in salvage.

          Bad News (D10+Depth>3) 1-3 Spring-Loaded Darts, damage D12, avoid D20 under DEX / 2 4-5 Collapsing Ceiling, damage D12, avoid D20 under CON / 2 6-7 Baneful Wards, damage D12, avoid D20 under WIS / 2 8 Degauss Magic, test all magic items for inert or waning charges 9 Sand Fill, claw way out and area impassable 10+ reroll on Wholly Fug

          Note: All area dangers +Hireling~10%. Important areas, unguarded yet w/ a triple roll trigger, lure w/ a gemstone granting a random player xps toward level bump = as resale D8 x10%.

          Wholly Fug (D8) 1 Noxious Cloud, damage D6, no save 2 Fire Plume, damage D8, no save 3 Disintegration Globe, damage D20, no save; test that 5% for each ready arms and armor. 4 Water Deluge, damage D12 to armored, area impassable, no save 5 Giant Deadfall, halve remaining HPs, avoid D20 under DEX / 3 6 Dwarven Pitfall, halve remaining HPs, avoid D20 under CON / 3 7 Elven Spite, halve remaining HPs, avoid D20 under WIS / 3 8 Divine Retribution, kill someone at random, avoid D12 under level; if he’s 100+ hps at demise, he turns to a puddle of treasure, yeah! (See note.)

          Note: All area dangers +Hireling~25%. REWARD possible at percentage chance = damage done

          Part 4 Magic Mitigation

          These are charts for using Magic to get around traps & Obstacles

          Weak Magic Required (D12+Depth) 1 Detect Magic 2 Hold Portal 3 Light 4 Protection from Evil 5 Read Languages 6 Read Magic 7 Ventriloquism 8 Continual Light 9 Darkness 10 Detect Evil 11 Detect Invisible 12 ESP 13+ Roll on Strong Magic + spend HERBS

          ***Note: By expending Torch, Rations and Wine, the result may be re rolled.

          Strong Magic Required (D12+Depth) 1 Knock 2 Levitate 3 Locate Object 4 Magic Mouth 5 Wizard Lock 6 Clairaudience 7 Clairvoyance 8 Dispel Magic 9 Explosive Runes 10 Hold Person 11 Rope Trick 12 Suggestion 13+ Roll on Powerful Magic + spend Holy Water

          • fredzBXGameOP
            1 year ago

            Powerful Magic Required (D12+Depth) 1 Water Breathing 2 Charm Monster 3 Confusion 4 Dimension Door 5 Fear 6 Growth of Plants 7 Hallucinatory Terrain 8 Remove Curse 9 Wall of Fire 10 Wall of Ice 11 Wizard Eye 12 Weak Magic & Strong Magic 13+ Roll twice and combine + Any Cross

            Overall Note: Failure to produce the required magic spells or items results in TRAP condition.

            Part 5 Treasure

            Reward (D6) All Treasure values in gp, yet denominations are (D4+Depth>1)x10% gold, rest base silver; encumbrance does apply. Bounty, the amount paid for the quest by Patron will always pay in full in gold only upon success.

            1 Treasure (party lvls x500 xDepth) + Potion 2 Treasure (party lvls x500 xDepth) + BOON 3 Treasure (party lvls x500 xDepth) + BOON(x2) 4 Treasure (party lvls x500 xDepth) + Choice BOON 5 Treasure* (party lvls x1000 xDepth) + Resurrect Scroll 6 Treasure* (party lvls x1000 xDepth) + BOON

            Note: * – All additional Treasure in Dungeon half number coins, even if rolled at Bounty. Any magic is tested at 50% (declining) from Asterisk. Diminishing return event may occur multiple times.

            Boon (D6) 1 POTION (x2), each single use no split (ever) 2 SCROLL (1st), Resurrect Scroll (2nd) 3 SWORD (1st), Msc Weapon by Ref fiat (2nd) 4 ARMOR (1st), Msc Magic by Ref fiat (2nd) 5 Potion & Scroll 6 Gemstone (random player bump xps for level) w/ resale D8x10% – Flair, each thief attempt pickpocket to be one to dishonestly claim prize, yet as a secret; no reprisals (1st), Map Guarantee next adventure has BOON as per Seer’s Catalog Map Rumor (2nd).

            Note: 1st means upon first roll, and 2nd means if appears again in same Dungeon, A-B alternate outcomes.

            • fredzBXGameOP
              1 year ago

              Master Sword (D8+Depth>1) 1-3 +1 4 +1, +2 vs Orclings 5 +1, +2 vs Beasts 6 +1, +2 vs Undead 7 +1, +2 vs Humans 8+ reroll Arcane Swords

              Note: All magic items have limits; talk to the Seer. Player may not mix and match an arsenal of swords. The Character selects the prime weapon prior to entering Dungeon. He may have a henchman carry a second prime weapon but loses first round’s attack by switching. Sadly, ~5% chance at adventure end the hireling absconds w/ weapon. This does not happen w/ bow, thrown or dagger standby. Everyone should try to carry at least a dagger standby for mishap loss. That dagger might even be magical for the very rich.

              Arcane Sword (D20) 1-4 +2 5 +1 Flaming 6 +2, +3 vs Orclings 7 +2, +3 vs Beasts 8 +2, +3 vs Undead 9 +2, +3 vs Humans 10-12 +3 13 +3 Cold, +5 vs Fire 14 +3 Dancing 15 +3, +5 vs Orclings 16 +3, +5 vs Beasts 17 +3, +5 vs Undead 18 +3, +5 vs Humans 19 +3, Special Slaying (Dragon or Demon) 20 Heroic Sword of Sharpness +5, Natural 19 or 20 slays

              Master Armor (D12+Depth>1) 1-6 +1 Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 7 +1, +3 vs Orclings Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 8 +1, +3 vs Beasts Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 9 +1, +3 vs Undead Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 10 +1, +3 vs Humans Plate, Shield or Helm (choice)  11+ reroll on Arcane Armor

              Example: a Helm +1 and Plate +2 would equal Plate +3

              Arcane Armor (D12+Depth>1) 1-6 +2 Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 7 +2, +5 vs Orclings Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 8 +2, +5 vs Beasts Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 9 +2, +5 vs Undead Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 10 +2, +5 vs Humans Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 11+ reroll on Relic Armor

              Relic Armor (D8+Depth>1) 1-6 +3 Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 7 +3, Invulnerability to Orclings Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 8 +3, Invulnerability to Orclings Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 9 +3, Invulnerability to Orclings Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 10 +3, Invulnerability to Orclings Plate, Shield or Helm (choice) 11+ reroll on Master Armor

              • fredzBXGameOP
                1 year ago

                Potions (D6) 1 D4 apps of Heal for D6 damage; all heal potions lose effectiveness of minus one per use inside an adventure. e.g. third potion quaffed D6-3 (min 1 restored). 2 Heal (D4) or Speed, x2 attack battle (choice) 3 Heal (D4) or Invisibility to escape one battle (choice) 4 Heal (D4) or Strength, x2 damage single battle (choice) 5 Heal (D4) or Protection (+1, +3 saves), single battle or Trap aftermath; +1 means no creature below 4HD can harm. 6 Weird by Ref fiat (trying to keep game defined)

                Note: Potions do not split and are consumed in full by use. In a single action, any and all potions may be consumed.

                Parochial Scroll (D8+Depth>1) 1-3 Random 1st level spell, MU type only; no Cleric types as they gain all spells upon leveling 4-5 Random 2nd level spell 6-7 Random 1st & 2nd level; if not inscribed in MU book, the scroll use is either/or and then consumed. 8 Reroll on Collegiate Scroll Chart

                Collegiate Scroll (D8+Depth>1) 1-4 Random 3rd level spell 5-6 Random 2nd & 3rd level; if not inscribed in MU book, the scroll use is either/or and then consumed. 7 Random spell of level D6+1 8+ Random spell of level D6+3

                • fredzBXGameOP
                  1 year ago

                  Part 6 Tradepost and Townhome – Welcome to Seer’s Catalog

                  Hirelings Set rate of 100 pieces of gold times the character’s level must be paid in advance to Henchman’s Clansmen. Never treated as NPCs, these act as Veterans (1d +1 HD) Heavy Foot for damage and saves. Thus, saving a level three say, is harder than a level one and thus the added salary demand. They may also each carry and additional 500 gps or five SUNDRY. (Could be more but we have to keep the illusion they are not slaves.) Armor is generally Chain, Helm, + Shield. Weapons generally are Pole Arm, Sword, Dagger, Bow & Quiver. They are equipped for WAR. Instead of taking a certain hit or save throw, the player may decide to SPEND one of his henchmen. This must be decided before roll of damage or save. May also block one PvP attack (if that’s ever needed.) These Henchmen may still be able to steal or desert, but typically don’t ask for salary.

                  Loyalty Oaths (D8+Depth>1 +loyalty Base) 1-7 Shaken but not stirred from his role. 8 Steals, loses or neglects SUNDRY (D8) 9 Steals, loses or neglects SUNDRY (D8) + Sacks (D4) 10 Lashes out in frustration; hireling is slain. Delivering first a D6 damage x Depth to employer or lowest level of group (50-50). Ratio changes as tests are made toward the employer, +5% per incident. 11+ Deserts, lose SUNDRY (D8) + Sacks (D4)

                  Note: These tests are declared by the Ref in response to stress and fairness – wealth gained, loss of life, terrors revealed, etc. You can’t lose what you don’t have in gear or sacked gold. Regardless, every time this table is rolled, the loyalty base of the henchmen declines.

                  Wardogs or Pets Never allowed. Rules were odd and exploited and lacked compassion. Player does receive monstrous guards upon reaching level nine, provided the character has a fortress.

                  Expedition Security Retainers Wagon: 100 gp per adventure, each adds +10% security up to eight max teamsters wondering if you’re dead or will tip in a good haul. DO NOT COUNT against Hireling limit above. e.g. six guards means any Wagon event has a sixty percent chance of being ignored. Every Wagon event kills one Retainer (on surface).

                  Wagons and Cart The party can bring mules, horses and extra storage; these are left at the surface, guarded by retainers or not. The wagon will hold an additional twenty Sundry, the Cart ten. Both are actually relatively cheap, Wagon costs and extra 250 gp to bring, the cart 100 gp (for party). Do not define the objects contained. These can be used to resupply the party. Pick them as you wish to refill your team; subtract each generic object taken from this reserve. However, the stuff up-top is not 100% safe. besides total loss caused in the tables, every time an Obstacle below is resolved, one Sundry of the Wagon or Cart is also expended. Why? Why not! Panic borrowing, let’s say. So count them down, like a bucket w/ a small hole. Refill next adventure. I also like stashing coins up there, but there is that chance of catastrophic loss.

                  Home Security Bank 1000 Locking Trunk: holds 10,000 coins/gems or individual items replacing 2000 of capacity. We wrap even small things like wands very carefully (in coffers). Reduces risk of loss by 10% (Elven Enchantments will double protection at triple price.)

                  • fredzBXGameOP
                    1 year ago

                    5000 Solid Chest: holds 5,000 coins/gems or items replacing 2500 of capacity. Upgrade only from trunk, not Russian nesting dolls. Reduces risk of loss by 15% (Elven Enchantments will double protection at triple price.)

                    20,000 Strongroom: holds ten chests or trunks. Increases either by 15% (Dwarven Built will double protection at triple price.)

                    100,000 Fortress: Holds 2D4 Strongrooms (and a few cots); roll capacity only after purchase. Maximum one Fortress per Character. Increases the strongroom security by 15% (Dwarven Built will allow capacity roll of D4+4 at triple price. Elven Enchantments improve security to 25%) -Advise Players at Level 7 to begin considering a Fortress of some kind. Several classes require a Fortress at Level 9.

                    Retainers Fortress: 100 gp per adventure, each adds 1% security up to fourteen max soldiers debating when you’re dead and how to split your crud. The cost is free at level eight+ when they become family. DO NOT COUNT against Hireling Limit.

                    50,000 Craft Services, unlimited Sundry replacement from Home, no shoppe fees. Reload Sundry gear for the party for free.  ***Note: Elf Chests in Dwarf Strongroom in Elf Fortress w/ 14 retainers = 99% safety from pillage! Party Elf and Dwarf do not create these, so no freebies. Yet soon we will be designing our fortress, adding traps and monsters and stealing from each other in retirement. Your friend is dead and did not will you in to take his fortress stuff. Thievery is always an option.

                    Seers Catalog (Trades and Cash Value) Purchase prizes at prices listed. Salvage policy sell to Seer for 2D4x10%, no take backs. Sometimes its better to sell the rare and gear-up the party. All prices and items subject to change w/o notice. No exchange results in xps; only raw treasure or gems from dungeon adventures do that.

                    Gems & Jewelry to amaze and hoard wealth. Hand over any amount and receive a gem professionally valued in later cash value at D6 x10% of surrendered value. Do this in one wager or several. Gems are good portable wealth, in the pocket or adorn ear, that are never lost in Wagon or Home events. (See obstacles.)

                    2000 Bag of Holding (10,000 coin or 5 items, ~1% accumulating per adventure bursts open and inert w/ lots of copper to pick out of road dust)

                    Seer’s Grand Vault Requires cash in advance. Each of these items arrives after a delay of a D4 adventure after purchase.

                    Sped-Up Prize Map Rumors Option For half the value, you will be told of a Dungeon rumored to have the item. 50-50 chance correct. These self-initiated quests still have Main villain, just seldom a bounty besides Quest Item. Half a chance 50-50 of a Patron coming forward w/ full bounty or find a Patron to agree to half the REWARD bounty for any shared goal locales. But, gang-up and find several magical Boons in one place (perhaps).

                    1st Consignment Magic Swords (2d8) • 1000 Sword +1 (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 1800 Elven Rapier +1, No weight (~5% per adventure broken until mended) • 1200 Sword +1, +2 vs Orcling (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 1500 Sword +1, +2 vs any other Mob (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 2500 Sword +1 Flaming (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 2000 Sword +2 (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 3000 Sword +2 Healing - Mitigate 2d8 Sundry for 1d4 healing (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 3500 Sword +2 Charm Person - take 1HP Damage to cast Charm Person (~20% per adventure broken until mended) • 4000 Sword +2, +3 vs Orcling (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 5000 Sword +2, +3 vs Undead (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 8000 Sword +2, +3 vs any other Mob (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 10,000 Sword +3 Cold, +5 vs Fire (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 20,000 Sword +3 (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 25,000 Sword +3 Dancing (~10% per adventure broken until mended) • 80,000 Roos Sword of Sharpness +3 (Natural 19 or 20 slays, ~10% per adventure broken until mended)

                    Note: Weakness and failure is intrinsic to most magical items. Swords at least can be repaired at half the cost.

                    Example: (~10% per adventure - broken until mended) - roll percentile dice at end of adventure if 11% or higher the item still works. The Character will need a 21% or higher after the next adventure as it goes up 10% every adventure until broken.