This makes no sense to me. There’s people in the comments literally telling me to go kill myself and that’s fine but, me politely disagreeing is worthy of a 30 day ban.

  • Ilikecheese
    1 year ago

    So I can’t talk about an obvious problem 3 times in 2 months without being mad?

    I was bored and wanted to stir up the hornets nest, and hoo-boy, did I. It’s you dumb motherfuckers that are so angry. You’re so riled up you had to go and do a deep dive of my post history here. Everything is projection with you lot. Did you ever stop to think that if you didn’t predictably brigade every single person you can find that maybe people wouldn’t hate on you for brigading so much? Rhetorical question, of course, I could have stopped that last sentence after the 6th word and the answer would always be no.