Like the title says, I’m looking to do a localized phone-like system over a LAN network, but one where it’s more peer-to-peer based, not having to host a PBX server. I have experience with 3CX, Mitel, etc. products, so I’m sure I could do an Asterisk/FreePBX setup, but I want to consider that as my fallback option.

I’m envisioning some sort of P2P client/software/hardware that essentially allows you to “call” another peer with the device/app open on a non-internet-connected LAN. I would assume you would just “call” the IP of the other device, or something similar. In this scenario, there is no server to run in the background or manage.

Think net send in command prompt in Windows.

Basically, my reasoning for wanting what I want is two-fold.

First reason, my folks and I live pretty close, close enough that we can beam Wifi back and forth with some PtP units. Our problem is that if we want to call one another, sometimes it’s almost impossible. We have Wifi-calling on our cell phones, which sometimes won’t cooperate. Outside of that working, all cell service is terrible out here, and land lines aren’t an option anymore (the company that sold them before won’t even fix the problems with our circuit).

Second reason, I have an obsession with what I would call “decentralized communications”. Think HAM radio, DMR, CBs, etc. I have always liked messing with these things, so for me it’s just another tool in the belt in that regard.

I just don’t want to reinvent the wheel if someone has done something like this, but if it doesn’t exist, I’d be tempted to try. I’m not much of a programmer, but I’ve had some experience with C# and could maybe staple & duct tape something together.

Any thoughts/feedback are appreciated, thanks!

  • astray
    1 year ago

    You could configure the sip phones to point directly to one another. No pbx needed. Just “call” and ip address. You only need the pbx to translate/authenticate/provide features. Sip invite comes into phone, making phone ring, pickup phone, and rtp goes directly to phone just like the sip invite. so long as there are no translations causing issues in between, so it actually works best on a private direct network between them.