• Queen HawlSera
    11 months ago

    So you agree with me then, that what goes into a man’s mouth is not important but what comes out of it is? Meaning you’re not allowed to be a racist asshole but you are allowed to suck dick? Because that is something I got from a quote from Jesus

    Also tomorrow is Sunday and I I believe the house is still convening for that day. who exactly is going to be stoning you to death for working that day?

    One more thing, given that some men are called upon to become eunuchs and should not be judges for it…

    Given the classical definition of a eunuch, does this mean that you are now in support of transgender rights?

    Oh and since we are not meant to put our faith in princes and a camel has a better chance of going through the eye of a needle than a rich man has entering heaven, can we officially put you down as having denounced Donald Trump as the Republican candidate?

    I wanted to say for legal purposes, that I do not Advocate anyone Stone to death any member of congress, and that my statement was purely for satirical purposes. I denounce anyone who actually plans any domestic terrorist actions against any us official, no matter how Despicable the senator.