From 2,997 active users across all lemmy instances at the beginning of June, the number increased to 52,797 by June 30th. Source.

An active user on Lemmy is "someone who has posted or commented on our instance or community within the last given time frame.” Source. That means lurkers are not counted as active users.

We’re really building something here!

  • Spzi
    1 year ago

    is the “average lemmy total users per day” going down because bot accounts are being closed?

    I heard from a few instances in the past days that they are actively purging bot accounts, which means their account numbers decrease. So yes, that is a contributing factor. Not sure if it is the only factor.

    It could also be other people lose interest and stop using lemmy. That probably happens, but since we’re still growing overall (also in other metrics, like apps being developed and developers joining git) I would assume that currently more people join than leave.

    Overall I think “average lemmy total users per day” is going down because the war has started and Skynet is losing.