The Chrome team says they’re not going to pursue Web Integrity but…

it is piloting a new Android WebView Media Integrity API that’s “narrowly scoped, and only targets WebViews embedded in apps.”

They say its because the team “heard your feedback.” I’m sure that’s true, and I can wildly speculate that all the current anti-trust attention was a factor too.

  • UraniumBlazer
    11 months ago

    You are getting mad at an internet post by a random person who has exactly zero credibility to begin with. I sourced nothing, I claimed nothing, I didn’t even pretend that any opinion I hold is of value.

    Listen… Humans find patterns everywhere they go. That’s just how humans work. Your idea is clearly a left wing idea (anti-corporation, breaking monopolies, etc.). I get it. I support this ideology. However, when you call for imprisoning people for life right beside the presentation of this idea, you unknowingly draw up a terrible association to it. Unfortunately, the first thing that people think about when they hear “communism”, is “gulags”. You unknowingly reinforce people’s beliefs regarding this.

    All of that pointless stuff aside: Legal ≠ Right I hope you will agree with me on that.

    Agreed completely. However, I don’t think that the solution for this is undermining law and order. Vigilantism helps nobody. Except for non-democratic systems, violence always leads to your idea being dismissed immediately. Hence, it should be avoided as much as possible (except in cases where you are in immediate danger).

    Also: It’s a shitpost. A freaking shitpost. Vote it down and move on. I’d do the same if I didn’t think it would be worth engaging with you.

    Words have meanings. Not all people have an advanced sense of humor like you. At least I don’t. Sure, if you meant the above as a joke, you should probably have put an “/s” in front of it. This is exactly how the far right does its dog whistling.

    A: “Black people something something racist…”

    B: “You can’t say that bro… That’s racist”

    A: “It’s a shitpost bro! Move on… People can’t take a joke these days…”