Baker’s testimony shows that Mozilla depends so much on its deal with Google for revenue that “the biggest loser of a DOJ win in the Google case would be Mozilla.”

  • ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
    07 months ago

    so moz can do browser, mailclient, translate, sync and so much more but they cant do their own search …to…keep their small market share…and…goole pays well?

    • Virtual Insanity
      97 months ago

      You’d be surprised just how few search engines the are.

      Google and Bing are about all there is.

      Most other ‘search engines’ just offload the hard work onto existing search engines.

      Very few people actually know DuckDuckGo sources their results from Bing for example.

      The infrastructure Mozilla uses to serve their content is microscopic compared to what they’d need to operate a fully independent and capable modern search engine.

        47 months ago

        I think yandex does its own thing, too. I agree it’s very hard to compete with google when they have had so much time to improve their algorithms and infrastructure

      • ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
        16 months ago

        i was thinking searxng or YaCy style maybe. i mean there were able to set up infrastructures for vpn, sync etc aswell