“No one is looking at us or the extent of this disaster or the crimes that we are experiencing in Gaza,” he said. Still holding his microphone, he slid off his flak jacket marked with the word PRESS and unstrapped his helmet.

“These protection jackets and helmets don’t protect us,” he said, flinging the equipment to the ground. “Nothing protects journalists. … We lose our lives for no reason.”

  • @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
    127 months ago

    Either they’re armed and easy to identify or they’re not at which point there’s one less person to worry about shooting Israeli soldiers while their tunnel network is dismantled. I don’t see the problem.

    • V17
      -27 months ago

      Do you honestly not see the problem with letting out at the very least tens of thousands of people, possibly hundreds of thousands, and guarding them all well enough so that none of them can do any hostilities that can be done without smuggling arms out of Gaza (whether it’s sabotage, inciting violent protests to keep the IDF occupied or terrorist acts using weapons smuggled into Israel from elsewhere)?

      • @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world
        77 months ago

        It’d be hard sure. Still better than bombing the spots they directed people to and killing droves of civilians.

    • @bookmeat
      -37 months ago

      No, now you have two more people inspired to shoot Israeli soldiers and civilians. It’s like you don’t even understand how people’s minds actually work.

        • Instigate
          47 months ago

          Israel’s strategy over the last 70 years created Hamas and has ensured that it has continued to hold power in Gaza. I don’t know what that other commenter is thinking, but I think characterising Israel’s strategy as carrying water for Hamas recruitment is a strong understatement. They’re not just carrying water; they’re pumping it from the ground, putting it in containers, divvying it up, and carrying it as far as they’ll go. Hamas exists because of Israel, much as how Al Qaeda and ISIS exist(ed) because of the US (and allied forces) and Russia.