Anyone know a good, hackable bluetooth mp3 player? Fitbit recently disabled transferring music to my Versa 1. Any cheap, preferably physically clippable, mp3 players? I guess storage being accessible over USB would be enough, but I’d love a device that is easily hackable to my hearts content.


  • @peereboominc
    27 months ago

    Can’t really give you a recommendations but a starting point could be the rockbox firmware. They have a list of mp3 players that they have been able to install their custom firmware on. Maybe there is a player on that list that you like. Do note that the last update was in 2019 so the devices on that last are probably even older than 2019

    • DrYesOP
      27 months ago

      The dev builds are actually very recent but finding a cheap hardware is still not that easy. The forums are a great place to start, I guess.