• forrgott
    11 months ago

    Lol. Yeah, maybe start by being open with women? Like it or not, conforming to what you think a woman expects is you being dishonest; when you only later open up, your own actions contradict the expectation that you previously set.

    And, no, the entire Internet is not filled with this incel crap. Maybe the corners you frequent? Who knows.

    Perpetuating the failures of our broken patriarchal system does not, in fact, justify it’s existence. Furthermore, starting with this misogynistic crap is nothing more than a self fulfilling prophecy. But you know what? You do you. At least the chances of you passing this ignorant hatred to your kids will be practically non-existent…

    Oh, and uh, no, i have no reason to “learn” misogyny; I happen to be blessed with an amazing relationship specifically because I do NOT subscribe to this useless crap.

    In short, you’re wrong, and always will be. Feel free to whine about it, I don’t care. I’m done with this discussion.

    • Wanderer
      11 months ago

      I’m open enough with women.

      But you got to be realistic. Generally women are sexist, they do like things certain ways, they do expect ideals.

      Surprise surprise women aren’t as perfect as you think. Not all problems in the world are due to men.

      Women can do a lot better and they should. Rather than just passing the blame they should improve on their own sexist views.

      I don’t know why women treating men like shit is mens fault. It happens from childhood too, are you going to say a 5 year old boy is responsiblefor being mistreated by an adult woman? Belive it or not women are responsible for their actions

      • forrgott
        11 months ago

        Didn’t say they were perfect, and didn’t say their actions are your fault. I did say YOUR actions are yours, and yours alone.

        And, dude…that’s the only thing you can control. Frankly, whether you are right or wrong in the views you’ve stated is irrelevant. All you’re gonna accomplish is twisting yourself up inside over things you cannot change.

        Most importantly, if you use other people’s choices as an excuse to be a shit person, that just guarantees a pattern of lose-lose scenarios in your life. If you’re trying to be miserable, then go for it. But if not, well, you can only control yourself; all other “power” is an illusion.

        Another way to put it: the only problems that matter are the ones that are yours. Other people’s problems or choices are just a distraction; that shit ain’t gonna take you anywhere. At least not anywhere you want to be. If you’re not satisfied with something in life, that’s on you to figure out. Blame is useless - it’s not a solution, it’s a trap.

        • Wanderer
          11 months ago

          I agree the only problems are your own.

          Sometimes it is nice to have help with your problems though. If you are a man and want help with your problems your only choice is to confide in another man.

          Women do not want to help men but they expect help from them.

          That doesn’t make me miserable that’s just accepting the world the way it is and it’s a life lesson men tend to learn the hard way. That does that mean you should be a shit person at all, it doesn’t mean you should be miserable. All it is is reality that women will expect you to help with their problems but they will not help with yours. Its a harsh truth and life is better once you see it.

          • forrgott
            10 months ago

            Uh, sure buddy. My partner is apparently imaginary, given that women who want to help men don’t exist.

            Anyway, choosing to harbor a prejudice against literally half of the human race does, in fact, make you a shit person.