• PoliticalAgitator
    11 months ago

    Hi! LiberalGunNut™ here!

    No problem, you all regurgitate the same propaganda anyway.

    How do you know America’s armed citizenry hasn’t kept us safe from state violence? Hardly a thing we can measure.

    You’re just accidentally admitting that the pro-gun community can’t prove it’s favourite talking point.

    But I’ll remind everyone, fascism isn’t coming, it’s here. Today. How much bolder would these people be if they knew every household was unarmed?

    Not at all, as demonstrated by most other countries. After all, nothing makes angry violent men bolder than a gun.

    FFS, the GOP frontrunner for the nomination to President of the United States just promised to root out “vermin” such as myself.

    Then either shoot him or fuck off.

    How threatened do you need to feel before you pick up a weapon, learn safety, learn to fight?

    “Learning safety” and “learning how to fight” are not requirements for buying a semi-automatic weapon in America.

    The pro-gun community opposes even basic competence checks, let alone the 6 months of military service they’d need to be provably effective in your fantasy war.

    But isn’t it just fascinating that nobody in the pro-gun community is learning how to fly drones, build a communication network, tend to peoples wounds in the field or anything else that would be useful in a war?

    The US Army better watch out or the morbidly obese militia will be waddling after them.

    I invite you to read about Ruby Ridge and Waco

    Damn, those things must be happening all the time in countries with gun control since guns are the only way to hold off authoritarians.

    Saw a video last year of Iranian Jihadis running and gunning down a residential apartment block after the mass protests.

    And do you openly advocate selling cheap, legal, semi-automatic weapons to those Jihadists?

    Read a man’s testimony from the Hamas attack on the music festival, “All I could think was how could I fight back. I felt so helpless.”

    Did he try selling Hamas even more guns? I’m sure that would have fixed it.

    I have a Colt 1911 .45 on my desk (or my nightstand) and a 12-gauge pump leaning against the bed.

    Congratulations on your poorly secured firearms, we’re all really impressed.

    To put a finer point on your question, had I been a bystander, would I have shot George Floyd’s executioner? Not at that time. But I might now.

    Oh well if you might have saved someone from state violence, I guess all the school shootings, life-or-death property crime and murdered partners are worth it.

    It’s expensive, it’s hard, it requires practice and more practice, but it’s on you if you choose “harmless”.

    You haven’t killed or intimidated a single fascist politician, corrupt cop or far-right terrorist, instead helping them every step of the way.

    But don’t worry, you’re not “harmless” as long as you keep harming children, minorities and abused partners by selling them to guns they use to kill them.