Some users wonder if the dev will be charged for having it still up, others argue Reddit can’t charge him without having signed a contract. Everyone is confused as to why the API change hasn’t made it inoperable.

Why is Boost still working?

  • schnitzelbub
    1 year ago

    The amount of over-politicizing everything, the arguments that never went anywhere, the virtue signaling, the backlash to virue signaling, the self-righteous, power drunk mods… I do think you can’t have that many users and not have a platform starting to rot from the inside.

    Amusingly, the approximate critical mass a platform needs to start becoming ugly is about the same mass it needs for some idiotic CEO to start wanting to make more money by screwing over the users.

    I used to use boost. I’m actually not thrilled it’s still up because it makes many users still latch on to a site that’s become terrible and doesn’t deserve their time and attention.