• @Seasoned_Greetings
    86 months ago

    How the hell does a school board even exist that could adopt this?

    Florida is a retirement state full of old white people. They are the last vestiges of racism in its old form. Of course those old assholes are pushing back against the idea that it was their families that caused racial inequality in America.

    It’s like when descendants of Nazis try to say that their own grandpappy didn’t do any of the killing, he just had the swastika on his uniform he wasn’t that bad.

    • @oxjox@lemmy.ml
      -16 months ago

      How does a retirement state of old people impact the school boards?
      How does 45 year old Ron DeSantis qualify as “those old assholes”?

      • @Seasoned_Greetings
        16 months ago

        People are likely to vote in someone who enacts policies they want. Politicians pander to voting blocks by introducing policy that appeals to them.

        It’s not hard to connect the dots?