Literally just mainlining marketing material straight into whatever’s left of their rotting brains.

  • Floey
    10 months ago

    AI has been used to describe many other technologies, when those technologies became mature and useful in a domain though they stopped being called AI and were given a less vague name.

    Also gamers use AI to refer to the logic operating NPCs and game master type stuff, no matter how basic it is. Nobody is confused about the infected in L4D being of Skynet level development, it was never sold as such.

    The difference with this AI push is the amount of venture capital and public outreach. We are being propagandized. To think that wouldn’t be the case if they simply used a different word in their commercial ventures is a bit… Idk, silly? Consider the NFT grift, most people didn’t have any prior associations with the word nonfungible.