Literally just mainlining marketing material straight into whatever’s left of their rotting brains.

    • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      What the fuck are you talking about. I was indicating that I thought it was absurd that you think my belief system is ‘idealist’ when I am talking about actual physical limitations of this system that will likely prevent it from ever achieving sentience, as well as would be good indicators of a system that has achieved sentience because it can overcome those limitations.

      You are so fucking moronic you might as well be a chat-bot, no wonder you think it’s sentient.

      It is ‘feeling and sensory input and the ability to have self-awareness about that feeling and sensory input’ not just straight sensory input. Literally what are you talking about. Machines still can’t spontaneously identify new information that is outside of the training set, they can’t even identify what should or shouldn’t be a part of the training set. Again, that is a job that a human has to do for the machine. The thinking, value feeling and identification has to be done first by a human, which is a self-aware process done by humans. I would be more convinced of the LLM ‘being sentient’ if when you asked it what the temperature was it would, spontaneously and without previous prompting, say ‘The reading at such and such website says it is currently 78 degrees, but I have no real way of knowing that TreadOnMe, the sensors could be malfunctioning or there could be a mistake on the website, the only real way for you to know what the temperature is to go outside and test it for yourself and hope your testing equipment is also not bad. If it is that though, that is what I have been told from such and such website feels like ‘a balmy summer day’ for humans, so hopefully you enjoy it.’

      I don’t believe ‘humans are exceptional’ as I’ve indicated multiple times, there are plenty of animals that arguably demonstrate sentience, I just don’t believe that this particular stock of neural network LLM’s demonstrate even the basic level of actual feeling, sensory processing input, or self-awareness to be considered sentient.

            • Mindfury [he/him]
              7 months ago

              throughout it.

              throughout what? I’ve replied to you exactly once.

              and I posted that reply to demonstrate to you and everyone else reading along that your civility fetishism means absolutely fucking nothing here. no is forced to answer you, and no one is required to reply to you with the tone or wording that you demand. shut the fuck up you idealist nerd.

                • m532 [she/her]
                  7 months ago

                  Materialists tend to humor people with civility because they do convince anyone watching.

                  Wtf? Do you want to claim that materialists fall for scammers?