• @BearOfaTime
    16 months ago

    I’m guessing you’ve never seen Telegram? It looks like a modern messaging system.

    This is a screenshot: https://dribbble.com/shots/12242096-Telegram-Messenger-Free-Download

    While Signal looks like any generic SMS app. Heck, both NextSMS and Textra look as good/better and have more “features” (interface customization).

    As a technical person who cares more about functionality that stuff doesn’t matter much to me, but it’s easy to see how a typical user would perceive them (and honestly, the difference is so great it even affects me).

    Signal looks dated, like SMS, Telegram looks (and behaves) modern.

    • @Zak@lemmy.world
      16 months ago

      That doesn’t appear to be a screenshot of Telegram, but of a designer’s portfolio piece example redesign of Telegram.

      It doesn’t look anything like Telegram for Android, though a quick look at real screenshots suggests it’s more similar to Telegram for iOS.