Anatoly Karlin @powerfultakes

Replying to @RichardHanania

I’m against legalizing bestiality because the animal consent problem hasn’t been solved, but probably actually will be quite soon thanks to Al (at least for the higher animals with complex languages). So why not wait a few more years. I don’t see disgust as a good reason. It was an evolutionary adaptation of the agricultural era against the spread of zoonotic illnesses, but technology will soon make that entirely irrelevant as well.

  • GBU_28
    10 months ago

    Uh, one of those options provides food, which is critical for life. Yes, you can not eat meat, that’s not what I’m specifying. Compared to beastiality eating meat suffices a tangible need.

      10 months ago

      Food is critical for human life but not meat. Unless you are living in a remote island in the middle of the ocean, you can have a tasty and healthy vegan diet by visiting a supermarket. But most people choose not to. They value the perceived entertainment they get from eating animal products higher than the death and suffering they cause.

      It isnt a big leap from that position to bestiality. If you see animals as commodity to serve humans and not living beings with agency, why not fuck them. You are killing them in an industrial scale, raping them almost seems minor in comparison.

      Hell you can even kill them afterwards and claim you are using the “whole animal” therefore you are more ethical than people who just murder animals without raping them first.

      You can make all kinds of absurd debatebro arguments, anything that can enable you to ignore the massive animal Holocaust that is so normalized in our society.