They call him the Dutch Donald Trump. Which if we’re being completely honest isn’t really fair on the coiffure front. Recent Dutch election winner Geert Wilders, a far right demagogue who has said that Palestinians should just live in Jordan, who wants to get the Netherlands out of the EU (Nexit), wants all asylum claims rejected, all climate agreements opted out of, and has called for “zero tolerance for street scum.”

He’s big on Islamophobia, with an immigration platform to address the ‘tsunami of refugees and immigrants.’ The Party for Freedom of which Wilders is head will need to form a coalition government, having secured 37 seats out of 150. There is some hope that in forming a coalition Wilders and the PVV will be forced to make concessions on their far right platform. That being said, Geert and the PVV DID win, which is not great for the global ‘which governments are going [neo]fascist’ head count.

(Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action.)

  • casmael
    10 months ago

    Hey man come to the UK maybe it’ll work in reverse? 🤔 worth a go imo