Thousands of purveyors of neo-Nazi tunes just had their day ruined by a crew of enterprising Scandinavian anti-fascists.

  • @Cowbee
    5 months ago

    Odd to call it “winning,” but the answer is “historical total.” The US has murdered tens of millions more over its several hundred year history than Nazi Germany killed in the less than half a century it existed.

    It isn’t sanity to pretend that hundreds of years of brutal history are equally comparable to an extremely condensed period of the single most brutal country to exist in modern history. Nazism is far more evil than liberalism, even if liberalism is still inevitably evil.

      • @Cowbee
        85 months ago

        I’ll make it simple for you: Nazis are bad.

          • @Cowbee
            55 months ago

            When one becomes a Nazi, they cease to be able to be considered good.

              • @Cowbee
                55 months ago

                Why? You keep trying to dodge that your central point is that people should stop saying Nazis are bad, because the US exists. It’s absurd and nothing more needs to be said, you aren’t willing to engage in fair or meaningful convo

                  • @Cowbee
                    65 months ago

                    Nazis are evil. Simple.

                35 months ago

                I dont know, maybe the had bad experiences with something or maybe they just became so because surroundings? But why does it matter?

                    35 months ago

                    They probably had a lot of choiches to make tho, That idea makes me think too but its not like they were predestined or something

          • YeetPics
            35 months ago

            Criminals aren’t born bad, they have to break the law which is a social contract.

            Tolerance is also a social contract that Nazis have opted out of.

            Fuck Nazis.

              • YeetPics
                35 months ago

                The one where the Nazis get stomped in the 20th century or the one where the Nazis get stomped in the 21st century?