People who tell me the anti-trans anti-POC laws in my state are good actually because the majority support them. People who treat people as pawns in an electoral campaign.

So tired of people like that.

Update: Examples found within the thread! I don’t even need to link to examples of this happening. They’re right here!

  • @vivadanang
    326 months ago

    so tired of people setting up strawman arguments so they can finally win a debate.

    meanwhile libs are voting for trans rights, voting for POC to actually represent them in the house and senate, voting for women who have brains (porter, warren, aoc) instead of tokens and bimbos. tyranny of majority? get fucked with that ignorant bullshit take. same as conservatives huh? same as the conservatives invading uteruses in Texas, Louisiana, trying it in Ohio and Michigan, oh yeah it’s the same when liberals FORCED THAT WOMAN IN TEXAS TO CARRY HER DEAD BABY, oh no, wait, that wasn’t liberals.

    what a stupid fucking take on the world.

    • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
      6 months ago

      Oh, please. One of the first things Biden did was open more concentration camps. He’s continued Trump’s wall (guess it’s Biden’s wall now). Millions of people die due to lack of healthcare access, and all liberals have is Obamacare 2.0, a slap in the face.

      Sure, they’re not as bad as Republicans, but that’s a dismally low bar. They’re still complicit in fascism and genocide. They’re still defending capitalism.

      Want to talk about strawman? Let’s talk about how every time someone mentions these things, Libs deflect with wild unfounded accusations of supporting Trump.

      American liberals are only marginally better than Republicans. And if you’re in one of those camps, they’re no better at all.

      Edit: I actually thought this was a different thread. I’ll still leave it though because it’s all accurate.

      This is the kind of shit I’m talking about. By this logic, the anti-trans anti-POC laws in my state are alright, according to liberals. I’ve heard the same thing from them about the border camps and wall - “Biden has no choice!” Bullshit.

      • @vivadanang
        116 months ago

        One of the first things Biden did was open more concentration camps.

        uh huh. gassed millions I’m sure.

        American liberals are only marginally better than Republicans. And if you’re in one of those camps, they’re no better at all.

        mmm yeah tell me how all the women on the left don’t mean anything you sexist racist garbage. tell me how one party embracing actual minority participation is the real racism.

        quack quack quack quack the libs are almost as bad as the LITERAL FASCISTS.

        Get a sense of reality or get fucked.

      • HopeOfTheGunblade
        46 months ago

        He was compelled by law to continue the wall. He did so as minimally and I would argue, as sarcastically as possible, within the bounds he had, but go off, presidents are kings and can do anything they want.

        Is Biden perfect? Gawd no. Is Biden significantly better than any Dem president in my lifetime? Sure is. But he isn’t perfect, so let’s make things worse.

        • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
          16 months ago

          He was compelled by law to continue the wall

          …because “he was just following the law” and “he was just following orders” famously excuse human rights abuses and other atrocities

            • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
              -66 months ago

              There it is! Everyone get in here!

              This is EXACTLY what my post is about!

              We’ve got:

              1. Deflecting with “you’d rather have a dictator/Trump” – that famous wild unfounded accusation

              2. Can only conceive of either tyranny of the majority or authoritarianism

              3. Hand-waving / downplaying human rights abuses

              B I N G O!

              I’m going to leave this here for you, because this user addresses this better than I can. (Not sure how to do proper links here, but you should still be able to read the comment.)

              As that user said, even following the principles of our current republic, this doesn’t excuse something like anti-trans laws or border camps.

              And when it comes to leftist ideologies (this is a leftist community, after all, not a capitalist one), there are also other even more democratic and equitable options.

                6 months ago

                Here’s some advice: Instead of trying to start an argument with anonymous strangers in some tiny hidden corner of the internet, go out into the real world and get involved with a group where your actions actually make a difference.
                Become a member of a party of your choice, a group of communist conspirators, Antifa, a hippie commune, doctors without borders, or whatever you want. Shape and improve your corner of the world and discuss politics with people around you.
                In here, you’re just shouting into a void. I’m not gonna click on any of your links and will have forgotten your comment in about 10 minutes.

                • LinkOpensChest.wavOP
                  16 months ago

                  I’m very involved in my community. I sit on two city committees, I meet at least twice a year with my city council rep and email her in between, I vote in every election, I attend rallies and events like Pride and BLM whenever my schedule permits, I work for a charitable non-profit that helps people (don’t want to get too specific because doxxing), and I’ve considered running for local office before deciding my schedule just doesn’t allow it.

                  I’m also fairly poor, but I still donate monthly to Lakota People’s Law Project and Minnesota Freedom Fund.

                  And even online, I try to discuss real problems and don’t straight up lead with telling people to fuck off. I also don’t make excuses for fascist institutions such as ICE with their border camps. I point out the troubling things Biden is doing because we need to find a way to stop these things by any means necessary.

                  So I do agree with your advice, but it’s not a zero sum game. I can do all these things and also be online. I feel like you’re just saying this as a silencing tactic and deflection.

      • @vivadanang
        06 months ago

        trump literally put kids in cages and you’re whining like a little baby about some fucking rando? wait was that president biden messaging you?


        just some deranged nutbag you spoke to on the internet and made into a liberal strawman huh?

        boy your headcanon must be fucking hilarious