Keeping only newer people in the running seems like it should help, and many states passed term limit laws in the 1990s. Turns out, states that passed term limit laws had either no change or got more corrupt. Drivers of increased corruption seem to be politicians without experience being more reliant on lobbyists for subject matter expertise, and politicians who have no future in their current job (public servant) networking and greasing hands to apply for their next job (lobbyist).
Keeping only newer people in the running seems like it should help, and many states passed term limit laws in the 1990s. Turns out, states that passed term limit laws had either no change or got more corrupt. Drivers of increased corruption seem to be politicians without experience being more reliant on lobbyists for subject matter expertise, and politicians who have no future in their current job (public servant) networking and greasing hands to apply for their next job (lobbyist).