Twister III is scheduled to open this weekend at Elitch Gardens. This is a renovated version of Twister II which was a recreation of Mr. Twister at the former site of the park (and also the inspiration for Twister at Knoebels).

    111 months ago

    Same city, but different coaster. The coaster you linked Cyclone at Lakeside Amusement Park, which is a separate location from Elitch Gardens. I’ve had the chance to ride both Cyclone and Twister II, and I definitely preferred Cyclone. Not much airtime, but it has a few fun drops and some amazing laterals. Although the neighborhood isn’t the nicest, the park itself is a very scenic location surrounded by a little lake and several vintage flatrides.

    (Plus, Lakeside also features a rare Miler Manufacturing steel wild-mouse coaster from the 50s. It has some great little bunny hills that are absolutely insane with the ride’s lack of restraints.)

    • Bob K MertzOPM
      111 months ago

      Never underestimate a Miler 😉

      Which Cyclone were you referring to?

            111 months ago

            Aaaaand I just noticed that your original comment was a reply to someone bringing up the Lakeside Cyclone… I thought that you thought that Twister III and Cyclone were the same ride (sorry lol). Naturally I’d make an ass of myself with my first comment on Lemmy 😂

            • Bob K MertzOPM
              211 months ago

              lol that makes sense… I was so confused lol. We’re all figuring out this new land so no worries. I nearly made the same exact mistake on another thread 😂