Actually fuck this site, I’m dropping it. Seems to be a bunch of whiny milquetoast losers who desperately want the radical fascists to crush them under boots. “Waaah, waaah don’t be mean to Nazis because they’ll be mean baaaaaaaack!!”
Fuck you guys. You’re gonna wind up in boxcars and wont understand why nobody is coming to help you.
Actually fuck this site, I’m dropping it. Seems to be a bunch of whiny milquetoast losers who desperately want the radical fascists to crush them under boots. “Waaah, waaah don’t be mean to Nazis because they’ll be mean baaaaaaaack!!” Fuck you guys. You’re gonna wind up in boxcars and wont understand why nobody is coming to help you.
I see almost nothing but suggestions of violence towards Nazis so idk whats up with your intake here.