Thousands of Software Engineers Say the Job Market Is Getting Much Worse::9,388 engineers polled by Motherboard and Blind said AI will lead to less hiring. Only 6% were confident they’d get another job with the same pay.

  • @tsonfeir
    25 months ago

    Yeah for sure. Especially with wfh. It’s easy to fire a remote worker. It’s harder to fire them in person. A good attitude in the office does go a long way. (I’m not arguing against wfh)

      55 months ago

      As if the people making the firing decisions knew the people they fired and their “good attitude” before COVID.

      This is plainly just the financial class pushing back against recent advances in wages by inducing a recession.

      • @tsonfeir
        25 months ago

        In the case of a mass layoff where an entire department is cut, then yes. But often times the manager from each department is asked to provide a list of “expendable” people.