• @TheControlled@lemmy.world
    05 months ago

    Oh yeah? By taking care of my cat and supplying him with food that his body needs I’m an abuser? Because I buy meat based food from a company that buys their meat from a processor that buys their meat from a slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals? I don’t think that’s ironic, I think that’s a stretch.

    Some vegans are such clueless pricks.

    • businessfish
      55 months ago

      […] slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals

      some vegans are such clueless pricks

      what do you think happens in a slaughterhouse lmao?

        • businessfish
          45 months ago

          judging by your snarky reply, i’m guessing you understand how slaughterhouses work.

          in your original comment i replied to, you go to great lengths to illustrate how removed you are from the whole process and how uncertain you are that the slaughterhouses are even abusing their animals. if you know what happens in slaughter houses, how could you even entertain the possibility of one existing that doesn’t abuse their animals? they are purpose-built to do exactly that.

          • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
            15 months ago

            Killing does not equal abuse, ie torture. I have no doubt many slaughterhouses do, but that’s not my fault–its my shitty government’s fault for not protecting the animals and funding efforts to do so.

            I still have to feed my cat what it needs. I’m a vegetarian, but biologically I’m not and neither is my cat. Unlike my cat, I have the option to become one voluntarily. Thus, meat is murder and yada yada but Mr. Whiskers needs his goddamn catfood.

            • Nora
              35 months ago

              If I slit the throat of my daughter that would be considered child abuse among many other things.

              You pay someone to slit the throat of others. Slitting anyone’s throat without their consent is abuse.

              • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
                05 months ago

                Sorry to say but non-humans are used for food and your daughter isn’t. I’m sure she’s delicious though.

                So abuse of an animal for sadistic/neglectful purposes is different from killing it for food, but for humans that obviously isn’t true.

                Not an equal comparison.

            • businessfish
              15 months ago

              in what world does killing not equal abuse? needlessly taking a living being’s life is one of the greatest abuses one could enact.

              • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
                25 months ago

                Because it’s not needless. While I don’t eat meat, it will take centuries to eliminate it’s consumption on this planet, including for pets because of how calorie rich it is and culture. But it’s really not needless because cats need it. To ya know, live.

                I’m not going to go off the cliff with you about veganism and ethics and everything else. It’s a joke of a debate because veganism is incompatible with anything but veganism. No thanks, leave me alone.

                • businessfish
                  15 months ago

                  but it is needless. we as humans have no place being the caregivers of carnivorous animals, we do not NEED to do this. ideally we can transition to a world where cats and other carnivorous pets can live without human intervention, but there is a population issue there.

                  obviously it will take time to phase out but claiming it is necessary is just false and not a step in the right direction. i’m not telling you what to feed your cat, what to eat, etc. i can’t make you care but i can’t let pure cope like “slaughterhouses may abuse their animals” go uncorrected.

    • Nora
      45 months ago

      “Slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals” Slaughterhouse… Slaughter… House…

      And I’m the clueless one…

      • @TheControlled@lemmy.world
        -25 months ago

        I’m. Not. Slaughtering. Anything. You want to change the system, be my guest. But it’s a matter of biology, not ethics.

        Cats are fucking predators and that’s final. People like you feed newborn babies oat milk and then are shocked when it dies. Indeed, clueless. Give vegans a bad name.

      • DessertStorms
        5 months ago

        But vegans who adopt pets they then refuse to feed what they NEED to live aren’t?

        • @sizzler@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          I mean you are arguing the exact opposite of what the original post is.

          I’ve never researched it before but having read the links on this post, it seems like it is safe to feed your cat a diet that doesn’t consist of meat. Great stuff I say, the world is slowly getting better. Ordering some for my cat now.