what if the powerful can use “information abundance” to find new ways of stifling you, flipping the ideals of freedom of speech to crush dissent, while always leaving enough anonymity to be able to claim deniability?

1968 book “War and Peace in the Global Village” education for all people is the best defense we have against this new style of information warfare and public discourse distortion. Canadian Professor Marshall McLuhan’s book can educate people to be self-aware of their own reactions to medium and media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_and_Peace_in_the_Global_Village

  • RoundSparrow @ .eeOPM
    8 months ago

    “This is the potential nightmare of the new media: the idea that our data might know more about us than we do, and that this is then being used to influence us without our knowledge. What’s unsettling isn’t so much that ‘they’ know something about me that I considered private, hidden… more disconcerting is the idea that ‘they’ know something about me which I hadn’t realised myself, that I’m not who I think I am – one’s complete dissipation into data that is now being manipulated by someone else.”