• JustSomePerson
      24 months ago

      download it via their app

      On the phone that isn’t connecting to the internet, because it doen’t have a SIM yet? Or do eSIM phones use free internet before they have an eSIM issued?

      • @SheeEttin@programming.dev
        24 months ago

        In the store if you’re getting the phone from a store, or somewhere with wifi (home, a friend’s, a cafe) if you’ve gotten it some other way.

        If you don’t have any of those, you probably live way out in the jungle, and I’d be surprised if you had service even if you got the eSIM. But in the edge case that you somehow got home delivery postal service in the jungle, you’d probably be able to survive just fine without it until your next trip into town.

        In the extreme edge case that you are in the jungle, get service, and your need is critical, I would have an activated backup phone tested periodically and ready to go.