This is a cool little article about why the Pacific Northwest of the US has limited amusement parks and how it’s not just because of the weather.

  • Bob K MertzOPM
    1 year ago

    It’s funny how enthusiast groups always say poor PNW but fail to realize how culture is sometimes different. That’s not to say there aren’t a lot of people there that would love a big park with a dozen coasters but it’s all relative.

    One of the biggest problems the area faces is an in-between park probably couldn’t survive. They either need to be small to function or they need to be a massive destination park to draw people in. Just take KD for example… The park has it’s locals but it also sits on I-95 which can bring people from distances because they have something worth traveling for – and you unfortunately can’t build a KD sized park, let alone a Disney or Universal overnight.