Officials in Brussels have reportedly drawn up a secret plan to sabotage Hungary’s economy if Viktor Orbán decides this week to again block a €50bn support package for Ukraine.

The plan, reported by the Financial Times, reflects the fury mounting across European capitals at what one diplomat called the “policy of blackmail” being pursued by the Hungarian prime minister, who leads the bloc’s most pro-Russia state.

The FT said the strategy involved targeting Hungary’s economy, weakening its currency and reducing investor confidence.

Orbán blocked the €50bn in Ukraine funds in December, forcing an emergency leaders meeting to be scheduled on Thursday to revisit the matter.


FT Report
FT Report Archive

  • illi
    8 months ago

    Poland used to back up Orban. There was recently a government change after election however, so it is likely they will not continue to do so.

    At the same time Orban’s big pal and fan Fico was elected nd we now have a governemnt of corrupt populistic pro-russian assholes. So fair to say Slovakia will probably take their place and Orban will gladly back them up back when needed.

    Slovakia already reveived a stern raised finger because of justice law they are pushing to safe themselves from potential persecution for past crimes.