F***ing morons in the world! Everyone is so damn impatient that now when I am at at four way stop and turning and my ass end is still in the intersection the other car going straight already decides to take off instead of waiting a micro-second for the intersection to be clear. All sorts of scenarios can happen…a pedestrian could appear causing me to brake and then you would crash into the rear of my car. Stop being a moron and think! What the hell are you gonna’ do when you get home a nano-second earlier?

  • forrgott
    8 months ago

    But the truth is, your impatience does not actually justify putting others at risk. Not to mention driving like an idiot has very little chance of reducing your travel time by any appreciable amount.

    A skilled driver isn’t inpatient. They don’t start accelerating into an intersection that isn’t clear. They don’t tailgate other drivers. You have no better reaction time than any other human. Bad driving habits cause a ridiculous number of deaths. You’re not that important; in fact, in the grand scheme of things, you don’t matter at all.