Sam Altman, the recently fired (and rehired) chief executive of Open AI, was asked earlier this year by his fellow tech billionaire Patrick Collison what he thought of the risks of synthetic biology. ‘I would like to not have another synthetic pathogen cause a global pandemic. I think we can all agree that wasn’t a great experience,’ he replied. ‘Wasn’t that bad compared to what it could have been, but I’m surprised there has not been more global coordination and I think we should have more of that.’

  • TypicalHog
    5 months ago

    Wait what? I didn’t search for this specifically it was just one of the top of all time threads in like 50 communities I went through. Like I don’t even know why u mad or what. You mad coz I respond to 2 month old thread? I don’t see the problem. Are you mad cause I said it’s possible bat from the lab infected someone and not the one from nature? I’m confused? You seem super upset for some reason.