• Seasoned_Greetings
    8 months ago

    Educate yourself

    Cherry picks and misrepresents one single point out of six without actually addressing the main point

    Ok buddy, struggle a little harder. You’ve still proven my point. Maybe go back to your echo chamber where China is a world hero and you can all nod your head in agreement

    • gun@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      You want me to debate you on six different gish-galloped points? Dude, you are way to self important. I have better things to do than debate you on China all day. Maybe try addressing my first and second rebuttal and I’ll get to the other ones. Veggies before dessert.

      • Seasoned_Greetings
        8 months ago

        I won’t address your points

        Enough said, buddy. We know you won’t. Why should I even consider yours?


        Pretty sure a prerequisite of a gish-gallop is that all the things listed are irrelevant. The point is that China is not a trust worthy nation. Those are reasons why. Although I guess it’s easy for you to mislabel it and ignore. Seems like a pretty self-important thing to do, so I’m not surprised you’d accuse me of that as well.

        Go spend your time elsewhere then. I’m sure your echo chamber misses you. And enjoy your downvotes.

        • gun@lemmy.ml
          8 months ago

          I won’t address your points

          I didn’t say that. I did address your points. More than you have addressed mine.

          enjoy your downvotes

          I always enjoy downvotes when they come from bitter liberals who have never thought outside of the ideological box they were put inside

          • Seasoned_Greetings
            8 months ago

            I did address your points

            Did you? You cherry picked a sub point, and you asked for evidence for an “at worst” situation. You’re a shill

            And I enjoy shutting down tankies who can’t seem to see that China is not any better. I work with Chinese people. I see their perspectives. Unless you live in China, I’m going to laugh at you for telling me I live in an ideological box. And if you do live in China, I’m going to laugh harder because your government is watching you and making sure that you stay in your ideological box.

            Thought you had better things to do than argue with a liberal?

            • gun@lemmy.ml
              8 months ago

              Thought you had better things to do than argue with a liberal?

              I did, and now I’m back :)

              Did you?

              Ok, what’s your main point? That I believe Chinese media over the West’s media? Strawman. I believe in investigating the facts of a situation firsthand and not taking anyone’s word for anything. That makes debunking your bullshit significantly more time consuming, which is why I said I had better things to do, especially when you don’t provide first or even secondhand evidence for any of your claims. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Now I have addressed all of your points inasmuch as they demand addressing.

              • Seasoned_Greetings
                8 months ago

                No way a long list of Western media outfits who also lied about Iraq until we went to war with them are lying again?? That’s Crazy!!

                Wow, it’s almost like you made a claim without evidence that started this whole chain.

                I love how entitled you are, telling people that you don’t have to address what they’ve said without evidence but all of your points are magically valid without the same degree of proof.

                Here’s the thing: I know you’re never going to see the other side of this. Tankies never do. The argument we’re having stopped mattering after the first comment I made.

                I mean, look at the thing I’m replying to. You’re beyond even defending your own point. You’re floundering about who addressed who. We’re arguing semantics. The truth is that neither of us care what the other has to say.

                I said what my initial point was. China is not a trust worthy source. Full stop. If you have to ask why, you are either trolling or living in a bubble.

                I don’t really care to hear about why you disagree with me. The information is out there. If you choose not to educate yourself, that’s on you.

                I try not to let pointless arguments with sweaty basement dwellers on the internet go on more than a couple of days on principle. Later, tankie.

                • gun@lemmy.ml
                  8 months ago

                  Wow, it’s almost like you made a claim without evidence that started this whole chain.

                  No, when pressed for evidence I provided. See: https://lemmy.ml/comment/8132725. And this claim I made that the media backed Iraq WMD claims is common knowledge, so I suspect most people wouldn’t contest it. However, even after pressing you for any evidence, you have provided nothing. So if this conversation is going around in circles, that’s clearly on you.

                  sweaty basement dwellers

                  It’s easy to deduce from your profile that you comment on Lemmy 3x more often than I do. While I was enjoying my Friday evening offline as I do, what were you doing? Demanding that I debunk all 6 of your gish-galloped points. I don’t know much about you, but everything I do know suggests calling me a basement dweller is a heavy example of projection. Stones in glass houses.