‘Better than a real man’: young Chinese women turn to AI boyfriends::Twenty-five-year-old Chinese office worker Tufei says her boyfriend has everything she could ask for in a romantic partner: he’s kind, empathetic, and sometimes they talk for hours.

  • HelloHotel
    8 months ago

    I love AI systems, I love chatbots, but… If a doll is the outline of what a person is phisically, a chatbot is the outline of what a person is mentially and emotionally. With dolls, charicters, or any vessil of the same nature, people need to pick up and enguage with the entity and donate a part of themselves for it to have any life at all. I may just be describing “creativity”. These new systems… they automate that task… but they lack somthing… (almost always when the creativity knob is turned down) its like the machine is “going through the motions”, especially when it messes up.

    The only other thing about these systems, I dont trust them! “Unaligned” and its inhuman acting and will always follow its barest instincts of “what comes next?”. “Aligned” means someone taught it ethics that you and even they dont fully understand. By running it on their servers, they are in a position where they can just brainwash the AI (your GF/BF) into beleaving or saying anything. Basically being a puppet. (See the replica sexting scandle)

    I dont know what I would rather see with more passion, AI so good and independant it becomes a a race of artifitial beings, or people to be cat peace in the company of others, themselves, their tulpas and their AI systems.