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Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait

Assembly Bill A8132 has been assigned a “Same As” bill in the Senate: S8586 [] [A8132 - 2023]

I don’t own a gun, I never have and I don’t plan to at any time in the future. But if these pass in the NYS Senate and Congress, it would be required to submit fingerprints for a background check then wait 15 days, before you could own any “COMPUTER OR COMPUTER-DRIVEN MACHINE OR DEVICE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT FROM A DIGITAL MODEL.”

This isn’t even going to stop any crimes from happening, for pity sakes regular guns end up in criminal charges all the time, regardless of background check laws. How about some real change and effective measures, rather then virtue-signaling and theater illusion for a constituency?

  • @seathru
    14 months ago

    deleted by creator

      34 months ago

      I think they meant “cross state lines” to buy a 3d printer. That’s a felony for guns but idk what the charge for “possessing an unlicensed 3d printer” would be lol.

      • @seathru
        44 months ago

        Yeah, I realized I misread it a minute later and tried to delete the comment but lemmys weird.