Netflix’s live-action Avatar has its heart in the right place, but its pacing and uneven performances leave a lot to be desired.

  • Shalakushka
    -493 months ago

    Wait until you go back to watch the original cartoon and find it’s just a competent kids show for two seasons and one season of rushed nothing.

    Maybe the reason these adaptations keep not working is because the source material isn’t actually the magnum opus the people who watched it when they were 10 years old think it is.

    Maybe it’s just cursed, but the conversation around this show feels a lot like Star Wars that way.

      413 months ago

      I was 25 when the show premiered and watched it a few years later based on recommendations from a colleague. Me and my wife loved it, it’s definitely not just a show that only works for 10 year olds.

        -23 months ago

        And neither is the live action netflix one at this moment. Nostalgia colors everything, showing it in a bad light. People saw the colorful cartoon, and can’t bear the fact that lighting is darker in live action for example.

    • @EarthlingHazardOP
      403 months ago

      It’s funny you think that. I did watch the animated show when I was much younger and gave it a rewatch recently. I’m in my early 30s and as far as animated TV shows go it’s still one of my favorites

    • Deceptichum
      193 months ago

      I’ve rewatched it multiple times over the years, i still think it holds up very well. I will give you the last season feeling a bit rushed, but that usually comes down to funding concerns rather than intentional choice (excluding GoT).