Ladies and gentleman I give you the Watt Wagons Hound. this may look alot like an Aniioki or Eahora. But what makes this different is the fact that the battery can be hooked up directly to a public car charging station. Charge time is rumored to be 2-3 hours. Which is a big difference of the 6-9 hours of the other mentioned brands.

This is good because it means increased range for people who are serious about it. But it could be bad because think of the current line-ups you can have at charging station right now. I’ve heard of some wait times of up to an hour or more for people with cars. Now imagine throwing ebikes into the mix. I can see fights breaking out for sure.

I think the future of ebikes is amazing. but we all have to put thought into the infrastructure right now to prevent headaches in the future.

  • jeffhykin
    7 months ago

    Fights breaking out? Idk man. When my friends go on a long ride they just toss a wall charger in their backpack. No need to wait in line for an hour when there’s plenty of shops that’ll let you charge.

    Personally I can’t see anyone paying $9,000 for normal looking ebike with 200 miles of range. Especially with options like the Eahora Juliet being 1/4 the price and available now. Buy an extra battery and charger for the Juliet, save $5K, and skip the 2.5hr wait at the charging station, charge both batteries at home overnight.

      7 months ago

      Exactly! There are far more 120v receptacles readily available around buildings in North America than there are EV charging stations. And removable batteries broaden that comparison even further if the battery can be charged from an indoor receptacle, which are even more numerous.