Everyone’s opinionated about tech and politics around here, but not entertainment or other subjects as much? What’s that about?
Everyone’s opinionated about tech and politics around here, but not entertainment or other subjects as much? What’s that about?
It’s a well-known (in some circles) phenomenon that angering content gets the most engagement. Tech and political news tend to feature billionaires doing billionaire things at the expense of everyone else, which makes people angry.
The interesting part is, don’t some people attribute that mainly to The Algorithm™? If it were that alone, one might think we should see different trends in algorithm minimal spaces like this, and yet… 🤔
While it’s true that The Algorithm™ exacerbates the effect, it only does that because it works in the first place. Plus, in a way, we’re each our own Algorithm™. Where there’s more activity, we stay to read for longer (because there’s more to read,) and that makes us more likely to find something to chime in on.